Chapter 14

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One month later

As it turned out, make-up sex didn't quite work.

It was the first day back at school, Term 4, but it was a short term this time around.

Only 7 weeks!

That meant you could focus more on family issues sooner!


"Come on Y/N, I'm walking you to school," Dan said as he walked past you, grabbing your hand.

"Dad, I need my stuff first!" Dan halted suddenly, spinning around to face you.

"Did you just call me... 'dad'?"

"I- I uh- sorry I didn't mean to it's just school and stuff and sorry." You said quickly.

"N- no, it's okay. If its natural reaction or whatever its fine, it's just I'm used to you being more... my miniature roommate. But if 'dad' helps you deal with all this fighting and stuff it's okay, I don't really mind, I'm just not used to it and-"

"Dan, it was just a slip up. My dad tried to rush me out of the house a lot so I'm used to saying that, don't worry."

"Uh, okay..." Dan sighed, leading you out the door, handing you lunch money and your bag. He stood at the door as you slipped the bag over your shoulders, shoving your phone into the pocket of your black skinny jeans. You turned to leave before Phil yelled,

"Wait!" While he ran down the stairs, abruptly stopping at the bottom. "Here, have a flower crown."

"Phil, Im LITERALLY wearing a black Panic At The Disco t-shirt, I don't think that it quite works."

"Please?" Phil begged, giving you puppy eyes.

"Fine." You rolled your eyes and snatched the flower crown from him, placing it on top of your head.

"How do I look?"

"Like a princess. A slightly emo, short-haired princess," Phil complimented, as Dan quickly pecked your cheek and walked upstairs.

"Phil, promise me that you'll try to sort things out with Dan? I want this to be over soon," you pleaded.

"I promise I'll try my hardest princess, I want it to be over too. I love him, I really do, but I think that this time, the evidence is too real. He's scared, Y/N. I wish he would understand that I feel the same way."

"Thanks Phil, you're the best." You wrapped your arms around Phil's waist, squeezing him gently before backing down the stairs.

"See you after school!"


"Hello, gay girl."

"Hello, gay guy." You casually walked past your jolly old pal Jack and strutted to the main building. Hard to believe I was adopted only two terms ago, you thought to yourself as you walked to the main reception to pick up your timetable and locker number.

"Beware of younger students around, Y/N, it's orientation day today,' Mrs Smith warned.

"Oh okay, thanks miss!" You looked down at your piece of paper, with your timetable printed on, locker number hastily written in blue pen across the top.


So I have the locker next to me old one? Great, you thought harshly as you made your way to the maths classroom. You scowled at Jack as he walked past you, his band of dumbasses behind him.





Five periods had passed already.

The only work you had done today was sketching an octopus, and you had literally stayed in the English classroom to finish your work.

How efficient.

You wearily walked out of the maths classroom and immediately turned to your locker, rushing to the tuck shop to retrieve your food and hide before Jack could find you.

In your haste, you accidentally bumped another kid, knocking him to the ground.

"Oh my god, i'm so sorry!" You exclaimed, offering out a hand to help him up. He shakily took it, obviously nervous. He was wearing a pastel pink sweatshirt, black skinny-jeans, and a pink and purple flower crown. His hair was slightly curly, his eyes emerald green. He held a sketchbook in his hand, along with a pencil, tapping the end of it repeatedly on the cover of the book.

"Umm..." The brown-haired boy looked at you, confused.

"Oh, sorry, hi, I'm Y/N." You held your hand out for him to shake, but his just looked at it, dumbfounded. He suddenly snapped out of it, saying,

"Oh, uh, I'm Alex." You smiled at him warmly, retracting your hand to your side. Gosh, I'm not used to being the confident one in conversations, you thought.

"Well, do you want to join me for lunch?" He snapped his gaze up from his feet to your eyes in shock.

"No one ever asks me to sit with them," he mumbled under his breath, before saying, "s- sure!" You grabbed his hand and dragged him across the school, finding a tree to sit under.

"Now, tell me about yourself," you said, intrigued.

"Well, I'm a massive nerd who loves video games, especially mario kart, and I'm obsessed with the Internet and YouTube and Twitter and Tumblr and oh god help. My favourite YouTubers are Tyler Oakley, Troye Sivan, Crabstickz and MatPat, but I watch quite a few others like Marcus Butler, Marcus Dibble, Joe Sugg, Dan and Phil, and I used to watch Pj but then, yea. Also I love Panic At The Disco, Twenty One Pilots, Muse, MCR, Melanie Martinez, Sia, and so many other artists."

"Wow. Nawce," you commented. He smiled at you, revealing crater-like dimples.

"Also, I've never had a friend before so my parents will be happy that I managed to talk to someone. I have really bad anxiety, and I'm gay, which just make people want to stay away from me. Please don't hate me."

"Oh my god Alex, I really don't mind that you're gay. It doesn't affect me, so im good." You told him about yourself, then exchanged phone numbers. "See you tomorrow!" You called out to him as the bell rang. He smiled and waved back, heading towards wherever his locker was.




I was trying to edit this story but I am having so much trouble with tense it's going to kill me I swear to god.
Im so sorry that it randomly switched halfway through the chapter, I hate myself for it but I just couldn't write in present tense and ohfuckhelp.

Anyways, how are you guys going?

Genuinely, I want to know, so leave a comment stating one good thing that had happened to you recently!

I love interacting with you guys, you're all so cool. I don't want this book to end.

One good thing that has happened to me recently: I got an A+ on my maths assignment!


Anyways, see you guys soon.

Peace out ✌️

(Edit from the future): I've fixed all the tense in the book as to not confuse anyone it's past tense now :P

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