Chapter 19

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You checked your phone.


The ambulance had already arrived, and they were quickly doing what they could with Phil.

"Ma'am?" One ambulance officer asked you in his thick northern accent, "Is that man over there alright?"

"Well, he was talking to himself then fainted I think... I'm not really sure what happened, I was in too much of a panic(at the disco)," you replied. Halfway through your sentence, police entered the room.


"Hello miss, I'm officer Darrell Cliffe, what's your name?" He asked, not one inch of hesitation in his Irish-accented voice.

"Uhh, Y/N."


"What happened here today? Please do not hesitate to tell the truth, we will help everyone in this situation as much as possible. Tell us every detail, nothing is unnecessary."


"Well, you see officer, I came home from school and heard shouting, I thought it was from our apartment and searched every room but they weren't there. I heard the shouting intensify, and figured it was coming from this apartment instead, so I ran here and discovered that Dan," you gestured to the slumped form in the corner, "had cut Phil," you gestured to Phil, who was now on a stretcher, "in a, from what I heard, pretty intense fight. I called 999 and got a washcloth towel thing to hold against Phil's wrist to help him, and when the blood had soaked the towel, I got Dan to wash it out. After he gave the towel to me he retreated into the corner and started talking to himself, I'm really worried that he has some sort of mental disorder." Officer Cliffe listened closely, jotting down the main points.

"Okay miss, how are these men related to each other and yourself?" Cliffe asked.

"Well, they are roommates and boyfriends and have been in a happy relationship for quite a long time, and they adopted me after my previous father committed suicide."

"What caused their argument?"

"Well recently they have had a massive falling out. They are quite famous on the internet and their fan base are intense shippers of the two. They keep their relationship secret from the Internet for reasons I'm not entirely certain of but it probably has something to do with trying to keep fangirls from going ape or something. They showed a public display of affection, just a kiss, but one of the fangirls managed to get a photo of it and they panicked and couldn't agree on any solutions that would make it seem fake and fought a lot and it was peaceful for a week after they had make-up... stuff... and then they fought again and I guess it got particularly emotional this time but I don't know and I'm scared that I'm going to lose another father or even both of them," you ended, starting to cry. You crumpled down to the floor, holding your face in your hands as you sobbed your heart out.

"Well miss, we're going to have to take Dan to a jail cell over night and do some investigation as to what is going on in his head, we will interrogate you more and Phil when he comes out of hospital."

"Thanks officer Cliffe."

"Where are you going to stay? Do you have any friends to stay with?"


Actually, you only just met him today, not a good idea.

"No... can I stay at the hospital with Phil? I wanna be there when he wakes up."

"Sure. We'll send you off with the ambulance." One of the ambulance officers walked up behind Cliffe, saying,

"Come with us hun, you can ride in the back with your dad and myself. I'm Xavier, nice to meet you!" He held out his hand and you shook it with a small smile. "You're quite strong to have gone through all this shit. You're the one who had your father also commit suicide, right?" You sobbed.

"Yup." One of the other ambulance officers shouted from the stairs,

"Hurry up, Xavier!"

"Coming!" You followed him down the stairs, not before grabbing your pillow quickly from your room in the apartment. You jumped into the ambulance, the smell of medicines hitting your nostrils.


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