Chapter 13

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You and Phil arrived back at the Phlat, only to hear Dan sobbing upstairs.

"Should I talk to him now?" You asked, not completely sure of how Dan would have felt about talking to you.

"Definitely. Trust me, he's going to want to talk to you now of all times."

"Okay, what are you gonna do?"

"Probably make a video about that messed up dog and chicken on the way back from Starbucks."

"That was so freaking weird. I hope the chicken's all right, I'm not sure if it can handle... It's only small compared to the... I'm not going to think about that one." Phil shivered in disgust.

"Even if it survived do you think it would have... Never mind." You laughed as Phil blushed at his weird imagination.

"Have fun you giant oaf."

"I will you mini oat."


"Certainly." You shook your head as you proceeded upstairs and into Dan's bedroom. You stood in the doorway, and observed the scene.

The lights were turned off, and Dan was face-down on his bed, under the covers, sobbing his life away.

You turned on the lights and entered his room, standing near his bed.

"Dan?" Dan looked up at you suddenly, surprised to see you there.

"Oh- u- uh, hi, Y/N..." Dan spoke between sobs. You approached him tentatively, sitting down on the edge of the bed. Dan sat up, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his totoro onesie. (It took me four tries to spell onesie correctly I'm not proud)

"What's wrong?"


"Don't give me any of that nothing bullcrap, Dan."

"Fine. I'm upset because I'm regretting decisions I've recently made."

"And what were those particular decisions, Dan?"

"You know most of them."

"Well, are you annoyed at Phil?"

"Yes, very."

"Well, why?"

"He just... I'm just... he just.. is annoying me," Dan concluded with a sigh, turning his head to face the wall.

"Do you need a hug?"

"Yes." You shuffled over to his spot on the bed, hugging him around his tummy.

Seriously, he's got the cutest little tummy.

Dan got up suddenly and without warning, and walked over to his piano. You fell off the bed, propelled by his movement as you had only just let go of him. He grabbed some sheet music, with the words... Ded if a spatula? On top.

You walked towards Dan so that you can read the title when he suddenly started playing.

Ahh, yes, you know this tune.

Death Of A Bachelor

You sang along without a thought, dancing around the room clumsily, almost in a trance.

That is, until two minutes later, when you ran straight into Phil.

"Oh," you said, blushing furiously, "Hi."

"Ha ha, Hi Y/N." Phil said, giggling.

"Wow, Y/N, you're really good at hitting those low notes!" Dan exclaimed, turning around to look at you before noticing Phil in the doorway, watching as the sad expression was painted onto his face again.

"I came here to apologise to you Dan. We'll just ignore it, the rumours will die down and as long as we don't talk about it, it'll seem like we either haven't noticed or we don't care."

"Oh- uh- okay." Phil walked over to where Dan was sat and gave him a gentle kiss, holding his chin up. You smiled as you realised this might finally be the end of the fighting, peace in the household at last. Maybe we can finally go outside and do something as a family! You thought to yourself. Maybe we'll go to the shops, maybe get bubble tea again, anime stuff, board games, video games, and eat ice-cream together in the park, or fish and chips for lunch! Your blissful expression quickly turned to one of horror as you realised that, while lost in your (rather long) daydream of you guys acting as a perfectly functioning family, Phil had starting grinding into Dan, completely forgetting you were still in the room.

You blushed furiously and hurried out the room, making sure to close the door gently as to not embarrass them, and you thundered up the steps and into your room, slipping on headphones and blasting music into your ears from your phone. You opened Tuber Simulator and began playing, drowning out the sounds of... the downstairs place.

*the next morning*

Haha, how you love make-up sex.

Three times in one night.





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