Chapter 21

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Your eyes snapped open.

You looked around the room and found Phil was sleeping next to you, head nuzzled into your neck.

Fucking cutie.

You got out of bed gently and grabbed the your ringing phone, seeing that the time was 2:26 am.

Who the fuck even calls anyone at this hour? You questioned as you checked the caller ID.

Alex does, apparently, you answered your own question as you tapped the bright green 'Accept' button on the still ringing phone.

"Y/N? You actually answered?" Alex whispered, surprised.

"Well duh." You looked around the room, noticing a curtain a little way across it. That must be another patient, you thought to yourself.

"Do I hear.. beeping in the background?" Alex asked quietly, obviously nervous.

"Yeah, i'm in hospital, why are you calling me at this moment?" You heard his breathing becoming heavier. He was worried about.. something. You suddenly was nervous for him, you had grown attached to him for the short amount of time that you had known him.

"Umm, at school someone somehow managed to find out that I'm gay and now I'm being bullied about it and I have had only seven hours of sleep over three days and I finally decided to talk to someone about it. I'm scared of them Y/N, terrified. They are horrible," he blurted.

"Who is bullying you?" You asked, begging desperately inside your head for it not to be Jack.

"I- I think his n- name is um Jack," he stuttered.

"I swear to fucking god I'm going to smash their faces in," you growled into the phone. There was an awkward silence while Alex thought out what he was gong to say.

"It's alright, we'll tell a teacher or something-"

"No, don't bother, most of them are fucking homophobes." You felt anger pile up inside of you. How dare they bully your friend for something he had no control over.

"Why are you in hospital? What did you do?" Alex questioned, changing the topic.

"Oh, I'm staying with my dad in hospital while he recovers from injury shiz, I'll tell you in person, Its too hard to explain right now. Oh I'm coming back to school tomorrow too, as my dad is being released tomorrow morning. His wounds are still pretty bad but they don't need to monitor it anymore, he's making a quick recovery thank fuck. Then I'm going to go visit my other dad in jail and- oh, did I just say that out loud? Yeah I'll explain it all tomorrow. Also if I just cry don't be surprised I haven't had time to cry yet the feelings are building up ha ha ha oh god I'm not okay I promise." You teared up before forcing your tears back inside your face.

Stay strong.

I do not cry.

"Well I'll see you at school tomorrow then I guess," Alex said, awkwardness invading his tongue.

"Yeah, will you be able to get more sleep now that you've talked to someone a little? We'll talk about it more tomorrow by the way."

"Yeah I'll definitely sleep better tonight. Thanks for being a good friend," Alex said, appreciative of you listening to him.

"Good, get some sleep, take care of yourself. See ya."

"Bye." You heard the phone beep, signalling the end of the call. You snuggled back in next to Phil, who pulled you closer to him, hugging you tightly.

"Love you, Phil. Don't ever leave me, you hear?" You murmured drowsily, ready for sleep once more.

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