Chapter 8

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You set up the camera and light just how you had seen the equipment set up from little glimpses in Phil's videos. You moved the camera so that it pointed it towards the red chair, where you had decided to film. One light was set up about a metre next to the camera, facing away from it, and the other was further behind, again facing away from it. Phil showed you how to hook up the computer to the camera so that it plays the video straight to it. You adjusted the tripod height so that it looked right, as it was set up to Dan and Phil's heights, meaning it was way too tall for you.

You pressed the record button.

"Umm... Hi!" You started, nervous for your first YouTube video. You looked to Phil, who was positioned on the bed, or sofa. Whatever. He gave you and encouraging smile and a thumbs up.

"My name is Y/N, and welcome to my channel! Unless you mis-clicked, in which case, sorry about that."

You continued to talk about what the channel was about and some simple facts about yourself, for fifteen minutes, until you switched the camera off. Phil applauded you.

"That was amazing, Y/N!" He complemented.

"Thanks, but I felt super awkward," you replied.

"You'll get used to it. Oh gosh, I can't wait to show you how to edit!" He exclaimed.

"I'll hit you up for those sweet editing tips." Phil stared at you.


"Yup. Before I start crying let's rap this-"

"Okay trash let's do something else."

"I'm actually pretty tired, even though it's only eight."

"Eight is late for most kids your age, Y/N," You crawled onto your bed, eyes drooping. "Your first video was tiring then, eh? My gosh I can't wait to see you edit. What an entertaining sight that will be. Also, being the perfectionist you are, you'll probably be like Dan and have to edit it five times before you think it's any good."

"Likely," you said between yawns, "that's why I edit my assignments way too many times and am left with one minute to hand it in." Phil laughed. You grabbed a pillow, which had a black pillowcase, and lay down on your side, resting your head on the soft object.

"Fine, rest if you need too," Phil yawned. "Why am I tired? Must be from watching your boringness in action."

"Hey.. Why you gotta be so rude..." You said sleepily. Phil took his contacts out and placed them on the desk, not really caring much at that moment.

"I'm joking." Phil lay down next to you, cuddling you for warmth because it was cold. "Goodnight, Y/N."

"Night, Phil."


This was short oops. Also isn't it crazy that it's only been 4 days since I last updated? Yeah it feels like 2 months.

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