Chapter 22

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You walked to school, annoyed and grumpy.

You couldn't see Dan until Friday.

Four days.

Four. Goddamn. Days.

You walked into the building, surprisingly without interruptions.

Wouldn't Jack and his gang usually be here to tease me?

Oh god no. Please don't be doing what I think you're doing.

You quickly stuffed your shit in your locker and grabbed your phone.

You know.

For safety.

You sped walked to the bike shed.

God no.

Please. No.

You looked behind the shed. From a distance.

You know.

For safety.

You saw Alex on the ground, pastel colours, flower crown and all, being beaten by the one and only, Jack. And the rest of them.

"Oi!" You shouted at the group. You started running towards the bike shed, "Get the fuck away from him!" Jack spun around, only to reveal a smirk on his features.

"Oh, Y/N. You can't stop us. It's all of us, against you and your faggot of a friend," he spat. You stopped. I didn't think this through.

"That's right dumbass, you can't beat us. No matter how hard you try." You started running towards him again. You made eye contact with Alex, his green eyes blazing with anger, fear, hurt, and everything in between. As soon as you were close enough, you punched Jack square in the jaw. He suddenly became angry, making moves to start running after you. The rest of the group looked at you in shock, before following behind him. You ran, as fast as you could, across the schoolyard.

Please, Alex, hide, you thought as you ran, praying that they were all following you and not staying behind to watch him.

You continued to sprint, breath heavy, lungs on fire. But you didn't care. No one touches someone for being gay, especially your friend. You stopped and spun around suddenly, the gang only metres behind you. A crowd started to gather nearby, whispering and watching in astonishment. You spun around and ran closer to the building, but Jack had caught up. He dived for and successfully grabbed your ankle, tripping you over. You kicked as hard as you could, and he let go. You kicked him in the, uh, yeah, and grabbed his shirt as he groaned in pain. His little gang watched in shock and fear, but you saw faces of admiration from the, rather large, crowd that had gathered. You lifted him up by the collar of his shirt, hands balled up in fists, and pinned him against the wall.

"You listen to me, Jack," you spat in his face, "Don't you fucking touch Alex, or you'll have to deal with me again. I'm sure you don't want that, do you, you little shit? And for that matter, don't you dare bully someone for being gay ever again, or I swear to god I will smash your face in, hear me?"

"Y-yes, Y/N," he stuttered. You released his shirt, leaving him to crumple onto the ground. You spun around to see his gang, who had looks of absolute terror painted on their faces.

"Now, you people go do some good instead of being sheep, will you? Just stop bullying people, it's one of the shittiest things you can do," you told them. The crowd started cheering and whooping, and you blushed, taking a sarcastic bow.

"Just doing my job, ladies and gentlemen. Now, go get ready for class, will ya? I've got a friend to check up on." You texted Alex, 'Where are you?'

Adopted By My Phamजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें