Sirius Black

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"I said no."

"But I said yes."

"And we say shut up you two," moaned James as him, Sirius, Remus and you made your way down to the Black Lake. Remus and James walked in front of you and tried to talk about the last Transfiguration lesson, but you and Sirius kept arguing loudly behind them.

"B-but... You should have seen it," said Sirius with the most adorable expression on his face. "It wasn't exactly small, but it was fluffy and it made those little sounds-"

"I know you're obsessed with wolves - no offense, Moony."

"None taken," smiled Remus lightheartedly at the pair of you.

"... But you can't take a wolf back to the castle. It's not just a stray cat you can take in. It's a bloody wolf."

"(Y/n), you are my only hope! I know you could think of a way to hide it," begged Sirius.

"Padfoot, I said no. And that's my final word."

Sirius looked a little offended and stopped. "Alright then. I guess I'll have to bring that wolf back myself." And with that, he left.

"(Y/n), it's about time you told Padfoot you were an Animagus, don't you think?" asked Remus as the three of you sat down comfortably under the shade of a tree.

"And that you can turn into a wolf, or shall I say that specific wolf he wants to take back to the castle."

You grinned widely and shook your head. "No, what's the fun in that?"


Sirius snuck out alone into the Forbidden Forest. Changing into the form of a big black dog, he roamed the woods and reached the clearing where he last saw the wolf. And there it was again, bathing in the moonlight. Sirius changed into his human form and slowly approached the wolf. Its head snapped up, but relaxed when it saw the boy. Sirius went to pet him, but the wolf easily slipped under his hands and ran into the cover of the trees.

"Hey, come back! I don't want to hurt you," cried Sirius and slowly inched towards the trees.

There you stood, with your back against a tree and you couldn't hold yourself back anymore. "You know, I've always known you liked me. But I never thought you were going to fall in love with my wolf form as well."

You stepped forward with a huge grin on your face and showed yourself to Sirius. "Hello, Padfoot."

"(Y/n)?" asked Sirius in disbelief. He needed a moment to process all the new information and then he realised that he had been pranked by his crush, big time. "You..." he growled as he slowly started to approach you. You laughed and backed off. "Yes, Mr Padfoot?"

"You!" exclaimed Sirius and started chasing you. You squealed and started running as well, but he caught up with you and pinned you to a tree. Feeling his breath fanning your neck and face was a rather breathtaking experience for you. There was a fire burning in his eyes that made you utterly fall under his charm. "I've caught the wolf, (Y/n)," he whispered in coarse voice. "And she's all mine."

He crushed his lips into yours, still pinning your hands above your head. He bit down on your lower lip and you moaned a little. He pulled back, his chest heaving and a smirk gracing his lips. "And no matter what you say, now I'm going to take this stray wolf back to the castle with me."

Author's note

Finally a little Sirius Black as well. Even writing about this bad boy is enjoyable. Requests are still not open, guys, but believe me I'm trying.

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