Sirius Black x Prankster!Reader (EvilUnicorns4minions' Request)

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"Not you again, (Y/n)

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"Not you again, (Y/n)..."

You smiled and shrugged. "Sorry, Sirius."

"This was cruel," he whined as he put on the robe you threw him just a moment ago.

"Why? I think McGonagall absolutely adored seeing you wet and totally naked," you laughed and winked at him. "And that high pitched scream..."

"The next time you prank me in the shower, I swear I'm... I'm going to..."

"You're going to what?" you said and smirked at him.

Sirius ruffled his wet hair a little and inspected your facial expression. "Wait, (Y/n)... You enjoyed this, didn't you?"

"I can't deny that I enjoy pranking people," you said.

"No, not that..." he said and slowly walked up to you. "I mean seeing me like this."

You ran your fingers along his almost bare chest and enjoyed how he shivered a little. Of course this was what you wanted to achieve with this prank, but there was absolutely no fun in admitting that to Sirius. You fancied him, and he made no secret of how much he wanted you - but he wasn't the only player there. You loved teasing him. Because you were bad like that. Lucky for you, Sirius loved bad girls.

"You know, I've heard a lot about your ... talents from the ladies of Hogwarts," you said jokingly and rolled your eyes a little. "I won't buy anything before I know just exactly what I'm buying."

"You could have seen me without my covers in a different way, too, sweetheart," he growled seductively and gently grabbed your wrist.

"Tempting as it may sound," you said in a hushed voice as you leaned closer to him, "I never like to get what I want right away."

"I knew you wanted me," said Sirius triumphantly. His desire grew with each passing moment. He had wanted you for a long time now, but you kept playing and teasing and he was growing very impatient. He wanted you and only you, because no one had ever driven him as crazy as you had. You were different than the other girls he had liked before.

"Yes, you caught me now," you whispered and batted your eyelashes. "All I want is you to take me to the boys' dormitory and..." you said, but your voiced trailed off and you shuddered.

Sirius licked his lips a little and looked your body up and down. He tried to be mad at you for your prank, but his desire clouded his every thought.

"Close your eyes, handsome," you said with a faint smirk. Sirius' heart raced, but he let go of you and did as you told him to do so. He was expecting to soon feel your lips on his... but nothing happened. He opened his eyes, and saw the empty corridor... He took a deep breath. Yes, (Y/n) was incredibly beautiful and desirable, but she could be the biggest tease if she wanted to be.

Sirius sighed and shook his head a little. He put a cigarette between his lips and lit it. "I'm coming for you, (Y/n)," he muttered and sat down on a windowsill.

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