Chapter 5

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Louis’s POV

“We have arrived in New York” Liam says as I put my phone in my pocket. Today is finally the day that I get to meet Serenity and I get to teach her piano. I know that this could take awhile but management found us a flat where we can stay till she learns. We have a year. I have faith in her that she will learn in less than a year.

“Do you think she knows that we are coming?” Niall asks me.

“I’m not sure Niall. I mean she saw the tweet but I bet she is in denial about it” I reply as we all get in the limo.

“The hospital is about fifteen minutes away from here” Liam says and I smile really wide. I am so excited to meet Serenity.

Serenity’s POV

“You excited for today? You get to meet your piano teacher” Olivia says as she puts on her One Direction shirt.

“Yeah I am, I have been waiting three days for this” I reply as I put on my Hollister skinny jeans and a Green Day concert shirt from two years ago. I remember that concert like it was yesterday. My mom and I went for my fifteenth birthday. We both jumped around and screamed. At that time she was only thirty-one. She had me at sixteen years old. My dad has never been around my whole life, so my mom was my best friend. I miss her.

“Serenity, your teacher will be here in fifteen minutes” My nurse Molly says as she leaves the room.

“Only fifteen minutes Serenity! What do you want to do?” Liv says as she lays back down on her bed.

“How about we just watch some TV” I say as I sit back down on my bed. Liv turns on the TV and the movie Salt is on.

“THIS IS MY FAVORITE MOVIE!” I scream as Liv turns up the volume.

“I like this movie as well” She replies.

Louis’s POV

“We are here!” Harry says as the limo breaks. We all get out. It is a nice looking hospital, all the windows are open and the sunlight is going right into the rooms.

“You must be Louis. I’m Dr. Thompson” A voice says from behind me and I turn around. He is about thirty years old with blonde hair.

“Yep, and this is Harry, Niall, Zayn, and Liam they wanted to come as well. They wanted to spend sometime with the kids at the hospital” I say and he smiles.

“Thank you all so much. I know that the kids would be very happy to see you. They look up to you so much. Please follow me. Louis I bet you can’t wait to meet Serenity so that is where we will go first” Dr. Thompson says as he leads us in the hospital. We walk up three flights of stairs.

“This is where Serenity is staying” Dr. Thompson says as he leads us to a room.

“Is this Serenity’s room?” Harry asks as we walk up to a room.

“Yes this is. I will go in and tell her that her teacher is here” Dr. Thompson says as he goes in the room.

“I am so nervous” I say.

“Don’t be Louis. She will love you. I mean you are Louis the Tommo Tomlinson” Zayn says which makes me smile.

“She is ready for you Mr. Tomlinson” Dr. Thompson says. This is it. I am meeting Serenity Knight. The girl I am teaching the piano too. I walk in the room and she is watching the telly.

“Serenity?” I ask.

Serenity’s POV

“Serenity?” A voice asks and I turn around. A guy with brown hair blue eyes, red pants, red Toms, and a striped shirt is standing.


“Yes I am and I am your teacher Serenity” He says and I smile. I never thought the girl in the tweet could be me... never in a million years.

“I told you Serenity! I told you that it would be you!” Liv says and comes over to me.

“Liv, can you give Louis and I some time?” I ask Liv who smiles and walks out of the room.

“So as you already know I am Louis Tomlinson from One Direction” Louis says and I smile.

“I know I am a big fan, but not as big as my friend Liv. She loves Harry” I reply with a smile. I still can’t believe that this is happening to me.

“Well Harry is a very likeable guy. So what did you know how to play on the piano before?” Louis asks.

“Well the first thing that I ever learned how to play on the Piano was Tears Of An Angel by RaynDan. That was my favorite song when I was younger. It still is to this day” I say and I can’t believe I forgot it. I love that song so much. When I listen to it, the song makes me cry. It is such a beautiful song. I did not realize that I was starting to cry but Louis did.

“What’s wrong love?” He asks as he wipes away the tears from my eyes.

“The song is my favorite song. It makes me cry when I listen to it. It has ever since I was little” I reply.

“Then how about we don’t start there. Why don’t we do something a little bit easier. By the way where is the piano?” He asks.

“It is in the patients wing” I say as I get up and Louis follows me.

“This is a really nice piano” Louis says.

“Yeah it is, but it is really old” I reply as we both sit down.

“So how about we start with some basic keys” Louis says as he plays some and I copy him. It takes me awhile to get it right.

“Thats really good Serenity. How about this one?” Louis says and then plays some more keys.

Harry’s POV

“He is getting along with her really well” I say to Niall who is sitting on Serenity’s bed. Her roommate Olivia is in the room who is listening to her iphone.

“Yeah he is. I knew he would” Niall replies.

“Since she has no living family where is she going to go?” I ask Liam who is sitting in the chair near her bed.

“Well usually they are put in the orphanage since she is underage” Liam says. I can see it in Louis’s eyes. He loves this girl like a sister even if he does not see it yet. I take out my phone and text my mum.


What do you think Harry's plan is? Please comment on what you think it is :)

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