Chapter 16

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Serenity’s POV

I run past Niall and into the house.

“Cookies are on the table, be careful they are hot” Anne says as I take a cookie and bite into it.

“Mum you made these!” I say then I realize that I just called her mum. I look at Anne and her she is smiling ear to ear.

“You just called me mum” Anne says and I smile at the ground. She never said whether or not I could call her that.

“Yeah” I reply still looking at the ground with a smile smile on my face.

“Ohh Serenity, you can call me mum. I never said anything because of what happened” Anne comes over and gives me a hug.

“Thanks Mum” I reply as I look at her with a smile.

“What just happened here?” Harry asks as he walks over from the stairs.

“Ohh nothing mum and I were just talking” I reply to him, seeing if he would pick up on the whole ‘mum’ thing.

“Did you just say mum?”

“Yeah I did, it just happened” I say as I walk over to my brother and give him a hug.

“Well I would think you would like to see your room now” Harry says and I hug him again.

“YES, YES, YES! ONE HUNDRED TIMES YES!!!” I scream and Harry smiles.

“Right this way little sister” Harry replies as he leads me up the stairs. “Close your eyes”.

I close my eyes and I hear a door close.

“Now open” Harry says and I open my eyes to the most beautiful bedroom that I have ever seen. The bed has white comforter, pink and purple pillows, pink and purple walls, a crown decal on the wall by the pillows, on the bed it has pink curtains hanging from the bed frame. I remember when I was little I always wanted a room like this.

“Is this mine?” I ask as I walk into the room more and spin around.

“Its all yours. We left some space in here for you to decorate, your clothes are also in the closet. You have not seen the best part yet” Harry says as he leads me to another room and opens the door.

“I HAVE MY OWN BATHROOM!” I scream and Harry covers his ears.

“Yes you have your own bathroom. The only thing that is not in your room is the piano which is in the living room. I can see that you are occupied with your new room so I will leave you alone. Just call me or any of the lads if you need anything” Harry says as he walks out of the room... my room. I can’t believe this is happening to me. I have a new family that cares about me so much, I am learning the piano from the best teacher I could as for, I have the most caring boyfriend in the world, and I am in living in London!

I walk out of my bathroom and flop down on my bed, I can not help but laugh. This is so amazing.

Niall’s POV

“How does she like the room?” I ask Harry as he walks down the stairs.

“She loves it, I don’t think she made the connection about the crown yet, but she will. She also loves the fact that she has her own bathroom” Harry replies as he sits down with the rest of us.

“I’m glad she feels at home here” Anne says as she takes the plate of empty cookies and brings it back to the kitchen.

“I knew she would love the mixture of pink and purple” Zayn says.

“Well I knew she would love the curtains from the bed frame” Liam adds.

“Well the crown tops it off. Afterall she is Nialler’s Princess” I reply and we all laugh.

“That is true” Louis says as Anne brings out more cookies.

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