Chapter 26

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Serenity’s POV

Harry and I walk back to the hotel. I am still soaking wet from swimming. I have a towel that is wrapped around my waist. We finally reach the sliding doors to the hotel room. I slide the door open to see Niall and Liam sitting on the couch.

“Hey” I say as I walk in the door with Harry following me.

“Hey princess, how was the water?” Niall asks as I walk over to the couch.

“It was so warm. I have never felt anything like it in my life” I reply and Niall smiles at me.

“I pushed her in the water” Harry adds with a cheeky smile on his face.

“It’s true he did. I didn’t expect it” I add to what Harry said.

“Do you want to go back in?” Niall asks me and I nod. He stands up and he already is in his swim trunks.

“Well I see that you are ready. You going to come with us Haz?” I ask my brother as Niall and I start to walk towards the sliding door.

“I will later with the rest of the lads. You two have fun, but not too much” Harry replies as he winks at me and I laugh.

“Don’t worry Harreh” I reply as I Niall takes my hand and we walk out the door onto the warm sand. We walk towards the water. I take my sunglasses that are on my head. I put them on my eyes. We continue walking till we reach the water.

“Happy Birthday Seren” Niall says before he kisses my lips and I smile in it. After a few seconds we break apart.

“Thanks Ni, I could never have asked for a more perfect birthday” I reply as we walk down the beach.

“Well the day is still young. We have a lot planned” Niall replies and I look at him with a smile.

“I can’t wait” I reply as I drag Niall into the water. I break away from his hands. I throw my sunglasses on the sand and I dive in the clear blue water. When I emerge from the water Niall is smiling at me, then he dives in as well and I laugh.

After a about thirty seconds Niall still has not come up to the surface. Then I feel Niall putting me on his shoulders and I scream.

“NIALL WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?’ I ask as I laugh.

“I’m clearly putting my girlfriend on my shoulders” He replies and I bend my body over his head and kiss his lips.

“Best birthday” I say and Niall throws me into the water. When I reach the surface once again I am laughing.

“Niall!” I shout as I splash him with water and he does the same thing back.


“How was the water this time?” Harry asks as Niall and I walk back into the hotel room.

“It felt warmer the second time” I reply as I walk over to the kitchen area and grab a water bottle.

“Go get changed we have a long day ahead of us” Liam says as I take a sip of my water.

“And we are not telling you what it is” Louis adds and I smile as I put my water bottle down on the counter and walk to my room. I open my suitcase and pull out my jean shorts with the matching belt, a teal v-neck shirt. I put it on, then I grab my gladiator sandals. I put my sandals on and grab a necklace and pearl earrings. I put them on and grab another bikini before I walk out of the room.

“Ok, my turn” Niall says as he walks into our room. I bet Harry made him wait for me to get changed. I walk back over to the kitchen and grab my water bottle. I take another sip while I walk over to the couch and sit down.

“Seren did you leave a hair tie on the bed?” Niall asks.

“Opps sorry” I say as I walk back to our room. I grab the hair tie and put my hair in a messy bun before I walk back out.


“Everyone all set?” Liam asks.

“Yep!” I shout and Niall laughs as he takes my hand.

“Alright lets go” Louis says as he runs out of the door and we all follow him.

“Where are we going?” I ask Niall and he smiles at me.

“I want to tell you but I can’t” Niall says as he get to the lobby and we walk out the door to find a limo waiting for us.

“Happy Birthday Miss Styles” The driver says and I smile at him as he opens the door. I try to hop in but Louis manages to get in first.

“Really Louis, I’m trying to make this romantic for my girlfriend” Niall says and I laugh as I get in the limo and sit next to Louis.

“Sorry, but I love limos” Louis replies as Niall and the rest of the lads get in.


“NO WAY!” I scream as we pull into Dolphin’s Cove.

“I guess you like it” Harry says as he laughs.

“I’m going swimming with dolphins!” I scream once again but I am bouncing in my seat.

“Yes, I knew that you loved animals so I thought this would be fun” Niall says and I look at him with a smile before I kiss him on the lips.

We get out of the limo and walk into Dolphin’s Cove. I look around at all the Dolphin things. I have never been to a place like this, it has always been piano, piano, and more piano.

“You ready?” Niall asks and I nod. I go into the locker room and change into my white and black print bikini with a pink string. I walk back out to see the lads already in their swim trunks. I walk out to see the crystal clear water once again. I slip into the water and swim around.

“Come on in the water is great” I say and the lads also slip into the water so that way they don’t scare the dolphins. I go under the water with my eyes open I see a dolphin come over to me. I turn my head to see Liam with a camera. I turn my head back to the dolphin before I kiss its nose. After I do I emerge back to the surface with a smile on my face.

“Did you see a dolphin?” Harry asks and my smile gets bigger.

“Yes, and I kissed the dolphin” I reply and they all laugh.

“That was Bubbles, he loves people” The trainer says and I smiles.

“That is such a cute name for a dolphin. I wish I could take him home with me” I say as I feel water being pushed behind me. I turn around to see Bubbles splashing water from his mouth. I move while I laugh to show the lads what is going on.

“Looks like Nialler has some competition” Zayn says and I laugh.

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