Chapter 10

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“We have an award show coming up and we would like you to come with us” Louis says and I smile. It has been a dream of mine to go to one.

“I don’t know, I’ve never been to something that big before. How would your fans take it? I don’t know if I could deal with the hate” I reply to Louis as I look at the ground.

“Serenity look at me. You are now my younger sister I will never let anything happen to you or let the fans hate on you. If they do I know the lads and I will do everything in our power to make it stop” Harry says as he lifts my chin up.

“Like what Harry said, we will be by your side no matter what. We love you Serenity” Niall adds on and I give him a hug.

“I will go with you lads to the award show. Which one is it?”

“It is the kids choice awards ( A/N I know that it is not that fancy of an award show but just go along with it. I also know that it is not going to be in February it is usually in March or April.) so that is next month” Liam says. I can’t believe I am going to an award show. This is so exciting.

“Go get changed Serenity, we will pay for it and then I know that Nialler here wants to go see that movie with you” Zayn says as I turn around back into the dressing room and giggle.

I get changed back into my clothes and put the dress back on the hanger. I walk back out of the dressing room to Niall who is waiting for me.

“You really looked beautiful in that dress” Niall whispers in my ear.

“Thank you Niall, that is the first dress that I have ever felt beautiful in” I reply as Niall puts his arm around me.

“You will always be beautiful in anything you were” Niall replies as he kisses my cheek. We both walk to the cashier and I put the dress on the table.


“So what movie do you want to see?” Niall asks me as we walk out of the mall.

“Well I really want to go see Carrie, I know it is a scary movie but it seems really good” I reply(A/n This movie just came out).

“Well lets go” Niall says as he takes my hand and we run to the theater.


“Two tickets to Carrie” Niall says and he takes out his wallet.

“I got it” I say as I take out mine.

“No Serenity I got this one” Niall replys as she pays for our tickets. We both walk into the theater room where the movie is going to be playing. When we get in the room the commercials just finish. We both sit down in the back, we are both still holding hands. I wish they could be attached forever.

60 Minutes into the movie...

“They all laughed a me Mamma” Carrie says to her mother. You can clearly see the knife in her other hand.

“Lets pray baby girl” Carrie’s mother says as Carrie got on her knee. I knew exactly what is going to happen. I did not want to see it so I put my head on Niall’s chest and he holds me tight.

“It’s alright Serenity I will not let anything happen to you” Niall says before he kisses my head.


“Liam texted me, he and the lads will be waiting for us outside of the theater” I tell Niall as we walk out of the theater.

“Before we go any farther out of the theater I have something that I want to ask you” Niall says as he starts to smile. Is he going to ask me out?

“Serenity Styles will you be my girlfriend?” Niall asks as he looks at the ground.

“YES!” I reply as I crash my lips onto his. Without any time he kisses back. It is the best kiss I have ever had. We kiss for about another minute when we break apart.

“Also would you like to be my date for the Kids Choice Awards?” Niall says, now he knows that I will say yes.

“Of course I would love to” I reply and I take his hand once again. Then we walk out of the theater.


THEY ARE FIANLLY TOGETHER! What do you guys think? What will Harry think? 

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