Chapter 25

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Serenity’s POV

1 Month Later a day before Serenity’s Birthday, 2 weeks before the Kids Choice Awards.

“Niall where are we going?” I ask Niall as he drags me out of the house.

“Ready to go?” Louis asks as he leans on a white limo.

“Seriously what is going  on here?” I question Niall once more.

“It is a surprise till we get there” Niall replies.

“I’ve got the bags” Harry says as he comes out of the house.

“We will meet you guys there” Liam says and Harry puts the bags in the back of the limo.

“Haz I’m scared” I say and he smiles.

“Don’t be Seren, you have Niall next to you the entire time. You will love it trust me’ Harry says as he hugs me and I smile. I wonder what is going on. I break away from the hug and step into the limo.

“See you lads there” Niall says as he gets into the limo with me.

“Come on Ni, tell me where we are going” I whine.

“Alright we are going to the airport, that is all I am telling you” Niall replies after he kisses my forehead. At least now I know we are flying somewhere, that makes me feel a lot better.


“Welcome aboard the One Direction jet Ms. Styles” The pilot says as I walk on the private jet once again. It is still the same as I remember. I walk over to the bed and lay down just like I did not so long ago.

“Looks like you are already comfortable” Niall says then does his famous laugh that I love so much.

“I love it when you laugh” I reply and he jumps on the bed with me.

“Niall!” I shout then he starts to tickle me.

“Ni... Niall!” I manage to say while laughing.

“Like I said before, I know your weakness” Niall replies and I manage to break free enough to kiss him on the lips. Then he stops tickling me.

“I know your weakness” I say after I break the kiss.

“I guess you do” Niall replies then I kiss him once again.

“Looks like we are taxiing” I say as I point out the window and the plane is moving.

“You are going to love where we are going, and the best part is it is warm” Niall says and my face lights up.

“It is going to be warm?” I ask still smiling. I have always loved the warm but living in New York I never knew what real warm feels like.

“Yes very warm, with beaches” Niall replies as he lays down on the bed with me.

“I can’t wait” I say as I put my head on his chest.

Harry’s POV

“Do you think she has figured out where she is going yet?” Louis asks and I shake my head.

“I doubt it. Niall wanted it to be a surprise. He would not tell her exactly where we are going. I know that he will drop some hints on her, but I doubt she will figure it out. I bet she is thinking Hawaii now” I reply to Louis as we board our private jet that he hired so we would not be on the same jet as Niall and Serenity. I knew that they would want their privacy.

“Well looks like we have about eight more hours to go” Liam says and I look out the window, we are already up in the air. Niall and Serenity’s jet is a half hour behind ours. We should be in the Caribbean around the same time.

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