Chapter 15

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•Derek's POV •

Liam and I patiently sat next to each other waiting for one of his relatives to come into the school office until a female came busting in the door, she was panting as if she actually ran toward the school. Liam was in shock yet surprised at this moment, keeping himself calm by holding on to my hand tightly, making my hand go painfully red.

"I-Im hHERE. So where's the little shi-I mean angel and his loving partner" panted the dark brown hair colored stranger.

The principal looked the female in disappointment as he pointed straight at Liam who was covering his face in his gray hood this whole time she was talking.

"Im guessing you're related to Mr. Mathew. Are you some sort of caregiver or?....." said the principal, wrapping his arms around the top of his desk, leaving his gaze at the stranger on to Liam.

"I'm actually his cousin. The name's Josyln by the way. "

She walked between us our seats causing us to break up our hand holding, and shook hands with Mr. Harrods. Joselyn sat down next to Liam, who was still hiding him self in his sweater. Everyone in the room stood in silence. I could feel my mother's eyes staring me down from across the room, probably denying the reality of her sons actions. Ms. Brookes grabbed her clipboard and walked out of the office, making sure no one saw her leave.

"Now we know that some people don't agree on the whole anti gay community thing in our school. We've had a few students and parents file complaints about it. But we've never, EVER, seen such behavior around the school premises like that."

"Now Mr. Collins, Mr.Mathew, I'm going to leave you both with a warning.. " His voice faded at the end of his sentence, like we was trying really hard to spit out another word.

Liam and I sighed in relief, trying to fight the urge not to hold hands in front of my mom or the principal.

"If.... "

"If?" we both asked at the same time, wondering what the principal meant by if. I paniced, looking up to my mom who was leaning against the wall, grinning starring at the window behind the principal.

"If you two both end this monstrosity you call a 'relationship' "

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