Chapter 3 - An unexpected meeting

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Today is our first Music Bank stage and we are sooooo nervous.

Since our debut two days ago, the fans have been really supportive and they are really looking to see more of us.
I can hear them arriving on the set and it only makes me more stressed.

The first time went well, what if the second time doesn't?

I know I should stop beeing so paranoid, but I can't.

Minsoo comes to me.

"It's going to be fine, they love us, they love you" he adds

I give him a not so confident look and try to smile, but it's probably not very convincing according to his laugh.

I really have no reasons to be so nervous. For example my Instagram account has been getting a lot of popularity quickly. And even though our manager told me not to, I read the comments and they are pretty positive.

Well for most of them.

I have haters but I try my best not to take their comments personally.

I try.

We are not alone backstage. There is many other groups, such as Stellar, Seventeen, Apink, Nct...

I'm so impressed to be next to sooooo many idols.

I'm breathing the same air as them!

Okay now I really sound like a psycho fangirl.

Can't help it.

We try not to stand out to much, but it's hard.

People wish us luck when they pass in front of us and we don't stop bowing to thank them.

Finally it's our turn.

The fans scream as the light goes in a shade darker. ( A/N: okay this sentence does not make sense XD)

Again we are one by one under the spotlight and then we start to sing.

Once the music starts my nervousness fades away and I immerse into the choreography.

We do almost zero mistakes and when we are done I'm panting hard.

The fans are again so supportive.

We do our introduction, thank them, then we go backstage because it's seventeen's turn.

This performance passed so quickly but it was so intense.

Before I get change, I stay by the entrance of the backstage so that I can still see the set and Seventeen perform their latest song.

I'm totally fascinated by the choreography.

After Exo and Bts, Seventeen are one of my favourite groups.

I notice that Songjun joined me and that he's as fascinated as I am.

We sing along the fanchant.

From the corner I see that the staff is amused but I'm having so much fun right now!

Then the song ends and the Seventeen members come backstage.

We quickly go back, cause we are kind of in the way.
We join our group members and then Seventeen comes in front of us.

"Congratulation for your debut stage. You were great!" Seungcheol the leader says.

We all look at him with wide eyes, totally in shock.

Minsoo is the first one to react, he bows and thank him and we follow him quickly.

I can believe Seventeen just congratulate us.

Idol Life: Why can't we? / Sehun fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now