Chapter 5: Mixed feelings

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The picture Baekhyun found on Eva's phone is the third on, I tried to find it alone but I couldn't so I had to use this picture. This pic was actually my lock screen for quite some time XD Anyway feel free to comment if you like my story ^^


The picture Baekhyun had to find was of course the one from The Exoluxion in Tokyo Dome where Sehun is shirtless and hot af. 

Of coures, otherwise it would have been to easy.

I feel so embarrassed right now. I just want to dig a hole and hide in it.

A very deep hole.

But instead I'm standing here in front of every Exo members, a Baekhyun who is trying not to laugh, a shocked Minsoo, and the worst: an embarrassed Sehun.

I can't bare to look at him so I stare at the floor.

I can feel my cheeks burn in shame and I really wish I was invisible.

"Well at least now we know" Laughs Baekhyun.

Okay now I just want to disappear. For a looooong time. Maybe a small decade.

How am I suppose to look at Sehun after that?

I stay speechless. How am I suppose to get out of this mess?

I don't have to because Minsoo quickly gets up, takes my hand, tells Songjun to come too.

"Thank you for everything but we are going now, we have a busy schedule and we need to go back to our dorm."

After, with no more formalities, he just drags me out of the dorm. 

I'm the one in shock now, that's not Minsoo-like to do this. 

And also his hand holding mine tightly makes me blush a little.

He doesn't say word and even the talkative Songjun stays quiet.

We take a cab and quickly arrive at our dorm.

When we go in, I don't even bother to say hello to the members, I quickly rush to my bedroom and go hide under my blanket.

I'm so embarrassed! 

How can I face Sehun now? 

I really liked him but now he just probably thinks I'm a pervert.

Why didn't I delete this damn picture?!

I take my head into my hands and just stay in fetal position waiting... for what?

To die, an earthquake? 

I don't know... Anything that could help me survive this situation!

Someone discreetly knocks at my door.

"Can I come in?" Minsoo asks and peeps his head through the door.

I pull down the blanket to look at him.

"Mmh" is my only answer.

He laughs quietly and comes in as I go back under my blanket.

He sits on the edge of my bed "Come on, was it that embarrassing?"

I pull down my blanket again and give him a deadly look.

"Okay maybe it was" He laughs.

"Thank you for the support" I pout and try to hide again but he stops me and pulls off the blanket

"You'll survive, plus it's not like you were going to see him very often. Right?"

"Mmm" I admit.

Idol Life: Why can't we? / Sehun fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now