Chapter 13: Everything was going so well

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Sehun and I have been dating for a month now.

Nothing could be more perfect.


Our relationship is going well. I have to admit, I'm falling in love with him even though I don't know if I want to.

I just don't want to get hurt.

But he will never hurt me.

We spend every moment possible together even though it's only once or twice a week. Our busy schedule are very tiring but we always manage to skype, especially when he's out of the country for promotion. 

We often talk for hours, if we can't skype, we call each other. We also keep in touch by kakao talk.

And snapchat. He always sends really cute snaps and it's nice to have news during the day of what he's up to.

We are a happy newly couple. 

Except that we have to hide. We can't go out for a date or dinner. We are always staying in and barely go out together. We just can't be seen together. Our company would be furious. And so would the fans.

And for that I know for sure because since I started dating Sehun, there has been some rumors about Sehun dating someone. Nobody really knows who.

Some say Irene from Red Velvet, some say a stylist. There are all kind of rumors, but they all started when we did a mistake.

We were on a date. At home. As usual. But this day I wanted to see something else so I asked if we could go outside. We put masks and caps and everything so we wouldn't get recognized but apparently Exo-L are true detective.

We were extra careful. We took Sehun's car. Went to one of his friends restaurant and in a private room. We saw no one. But it was late so not many people were in the streets.

Well apparently someone still saw us and put a picture of Sehun even though it's not confirmed it's him, but it is. And me in the car. We weren't doing anything. Just driving. We had masks, sunglasses and cap on, it was dark so it's not easy to tell it's us. Every one still recognized Sehun even though you just couldn't prove it. Fortunately it was impossible to recognize me, but it was still clear I was a girl.

So now people are going crazy on social media with the usual comments. 

"Sehun belongs to Exo-L"

"Who is she?"

"Are they dating?"

"No not our baby Sehun!" 

"This girl should die!"

"I'm so happy for them!"

"I hate them!"

Etc... A lot of hate, a few nice comments and there wasn't even a proof that it was Sehun.

So yeah now we are even more careful and even though I shouldn't, the hate reaches me and I feel hurt. Why do these people hate me so much?

But I try to forget it. I can understand their anger. I'm an Exo-L too after all...

It's just I didn't think it would be so painful.

Plus SM is really mad because of this scandal but Sehun stood up to them and said that he would be more careful and finally the company agreed if we kept it a secret.

It's hard but it's worth it.

That's what I'm thinking as I watch Sehun in the bus that is taking us hiking in the mouthains about three hours from Seoul.

Idol Life: Why can't we? / Sehun fan fictionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat