Chapter 23: Back home

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"Give us a chance" Minsoo asks gently, his forehead leaning against mine.

I look at him, he's so kind, he'll protect me.

"Okay" I answer in a whisper, almost hoping he wouldn't hear me but he does.

A smile grows on his lips, he gently kiss the tip of my nose. "I'll make you forget him"

I close my eyes, I know that this is the reason why I said yes, I just want to fill the hole Sehun left in my heart, I don't want to cry anymore.

He wraps his arms around me and I cuddle against his chest, trying to forget how awful of a human being I am.

I fall asleep as he holds me tight.

The next morning is the day I'm discharged and I can go back home. 

I wake up, still in Minsoo's arms.

I don't want to get up, I don't want to face the world.

"Slept well?" Minsoo questions when he notices I'm awake. He brushes away a stray of my hair.

I slowly nod, it's true that for one of the first time I didn't have any nightmare.

I try to act normal, all lovey dovey, but all this doesn't feel right. Minsoo ignores it and rests his face in the crock of my neck. 

"Can we stay like this a little bit longer" He asks, still half asleep.

"Mmh- yeah... sure" I answer hesitantly. I want to be normal, not to be so uneasy and uncomfortable. So I try to relax but it doesn't really work. 

I hate to compare, but with Sehun it was natural, it was in some way meant to be, but here.... I love Minsoo....

As a friend.

I know that what I'm doing is wrong but it's my survival solution, it's selfish but I can't help it.

After some time I start to rise up. Minsoo pouts as he try to hold me back. "Stay" He whines. I chuckle a bit "No I'm finally getting out of this hospital so pardon me if I'm excited" 

He pouts but let's go a bit of me. I smile and try to get up but Minsoo still holds my wrist.

"Min-" I start to protest but he rises too and presses his lips against mine. When he let's go I'm a bit fluttered 

"Wh-What was that for?" I stutter, feeling red spreading on my cheeks. 

"Good morning kiss" He explains proudly and gets up too. 

He leaves to fetch breakfast and I can't help but smile as his silliness. He's really adorable, but I feel even more guilty for letting this be.

I sigh and at this moment the bedroom door is opened and I see my members appear.

They are all here, all 6 of them, not counting Minsoo and I. They all came for me and I smile even wider.

"Ready to go back home?" Jihoon asks with a grin.

I nod vigorously, this word: home, echoes in me, I really do consider these guys as my family. 

"Now pack your stuff! You probably can't wait to leave." Songjun teases me.

"You can't even imagine" I sigh dramatically and they just laugh at me but still they start helping me to pack all my stuff.

I totally forgot about Minsoo and as I was packing some clothes in my bag somebody suddenly back hugs me. 


The others have no idea about our relationship, I slowly turn to Minsoo and try to give him a warning look but he doesn't see it or he decides to ignore it. 

Idol Life: Why can't we? / Sehun fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now