Chapter 4: Going to Exo's dorm

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After I met Baekhyun at the convenience store I quickly come back to the dorm. I'm kinda confused. Everything happened so fast. But deep down I'm really so happy that I met Baekhyun. He really was as nice as in front of a camera. 

I blush a little when I redo the whole scene in my head. He asked my number! I know it's to be friend and I'm perfectly fine with that, but still! I mean just to be able to see Exo in real life is amazing, but now... Yeah I can't believe it. 

Even though I'm so excited I don't say anything about the incident to the members. I don't want them to make a fuss about it. Because I know they will start planning my wedding with Baekhyun if I tell them that he now has my number.

Yep, better keep my mouth shut.

The members don't suspect a thing and we all go to sleep after eating.

A few days later

Baekhyun still hasn't texted me, but I don't take it personally, he's an idol after all and now better than ever I know how hard it it to have a moment to yourself.

For example these past days we didn't stop moving with Sky Star, we did many stages and the fans are so supportive I still can't believe it. We have filmed an interview and we also did a CF for a soda. With this plus practice, we didn't get a second to ourselves. 

But today is a less stressful day, we only have practice for our repackage album, we are going to film a new MV, so we have to learn a new choreography and it's really tiring but I don't complain. 

We are training hard to get the choreography when I hear a phone buzz, I don't really care and continue to try and get this movement that is really hard for me. 

The choreographer gives us a break but I'm still trying to get the movement. I don't see Jihoon sit on the floor, next to my phone charging

He looks at it "Oh! Eva you have a message"

"Mhm" I really am trying to focus on the dance.

"It says: Hi Eva, it's Baekhyun, we met the other day. Anyway I was wondering if you would want to go out tonight, smiley face" reads Jihoon.

I instantly stop dancing and run to Jihoon and take the phone from his hand.

I quickly read the message.

"Baekhyun from Exo?" asks Dongjae. 

"It's not what you think" I try to explain.

"So you are going on a date with Baekhun?" Adds Songjun.

"Oh course not! It's just friendship noting more!" 

I can see that Minsoo isn't very happy with the situation. 

"I don't like you going on your own to this meeting. I mean we don't really know Baekhyun." He warns me.

"Oh come on! It's Baekhyun, he's a nice guy" I try to defend the vocalist.

It doesn't seem to work, he doesn't really seem relived, quite the contrary.

"You can go but I'll go with you" He decides.

"What?" I'm shocked. "I'm 19, not 12!"

"Ya! If you go see Exo, I come too!" intervenes Songjun, a big Exo fan like me.

I sigh "Fine!"

They are really cute being so protective but right now it's kinda annoying. 

At the end of the day we go meet Baekhyun at a karaoke. I feel embarrassed to have the two unexpected guys with me.

Idol Life: Why can't we? / Sehun fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now