Chapter 19: Trouble

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We spend the next two days, hiking, eating and laughing.

Fortunately we didn't get bothered by fans or anything. We all got to have the proper rest we needed.

It's going more than well with Sehun, as we are far away from social media and all we don't know all the hate we are going through.

I enjoy until the last bit, this trip far away from everything.

But eventually it's time to go back.

We pack our stuff with no motivation at all. Finally everything is in the van, we all gather in a cercle.

"This was a great trip, we all needed it" Suho says and we all nod "But now we have to go back to our lives and schedule. But that doesn't mean we will never do a trip like this again, okay?" He asks us with a smile.

We sigh "Promise we will do something like that another time." Kai demands.

"I promise." The leader says sincerely "I don't know when it will be, in how long, but we will definitely do it again."

We all try to smile a bit and stay hopeful.

"Come on guys, let's say it." Baekhyun grins at us all and we understand the message. We put our hands all together.

"We are one!" We shout.

"Now we really need to go." Kyungsoo reminds us and we finally climb in the van.

Suho starts driving and I observe our campsite disapear through the window.

"We'll be back." Sehun reassures me and takes my hand.

I look at him and smile "I know, I just feel like we are too happy for it to last." I say.

"That's not very optimistic." He raises an eyebrow.

"I know, I just have a bad feeling." I say quietly and I look at the landscape while holding Sehun's hand in mine.

The trip back is more quiet. We are already nostalgic.

At the beginning of the evening we arrive at my dorm. Chanyeol and Sehun helps me to take my stuff out of the car and then every members tells me goodbye.

"Thank you guys for this amazing trip." I say and I don't know why I feel like I want to cry.

Chen smiles comprehensively at me. "Thank you for coming, you made this trip come true, plus you cook really well." He ends with a joke.

"Aish you never stop do you?" I say but he managed to make me smile again.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Sehun asks, like he's concerned about me.

I'm about to say yes but Suho speaks up first.

"You can't Sehun, tomorrow we have to wake up extra early for our schedule, plus you have to film for your movie in the afternoon."

Sehun sighs and looks at me apologetically. "It's okay Sehun, thank you for offering." I try to smile at him.

He comes to me and put his hands around my waist.

"Bye Eva, see you soon." the members wave goodbye to me and give Sehun and me some alone time.

"I don't want it to end" I pout.

He smiles, amused. "I'll miss you." He confesses.

"Me too." I say and hug him tightly.

We stay like this for a little moment then he lets go of me. "I need to go." he reminds me.

Idol Life: Why can't we? / Sehun fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now