Welcome to the Class

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Where the heck is this classroom?!

The late bell had already rang as I frantically ran through the hallways. They could have at least gave me a guide or map. Freaking preps.

I stopped myself to breathe. I usually don't run much and this is the most running I've ever done in my life. Sighing, I gave in. Wait why do I care that I'm late again? I strode through the hallways, loosening the stupid tie that came with the uniform. After the whole controversy, The mouse principal insisted I go here to stay under protection. I agreed to it because, Shigaraki will have my head if he finds me. And I don't plan on going back to the hospital.

They had put me in an apartment close by since I had no where to stay. All Might was constantly calling and checking on me like an upset mother. But oddly I didn't mind, it was funny pretending I was a voicemail.

That's right... They said they would give me an allowance to decorate my new apartment.

I jumped up again running through the hallways, reading the signs as fast as I could. This is so frustrating.

1-B.... 1-A

"1-A!" I grinned.

Violently pushing the doors open I relaxed at the sight of Aizawa. I felt the stares from the class and spoke up.

"A map would be nice" I sarcastically said to him.

I heard chuckles from a few of the students from the back and huffed out smoke. Giving them a deadly glare I turned back to Aizawa.

"Take a seat. There is a free one behind Kirishima."

"Who's Kirishima?"

A red head poked out from the class and waves at me. Oh it's this guy.

I reluctantly waved back and started to walk towards my seat. Setting my pack down, I looked around the classroom of eyes on me.

A tall figure with glasses suddenly appeared in front of me.

"As class president I must ask that you introduce yourself to the class!" He said loudly.

Gosh does everyone have to be so effing loud! Must be a hero thing.

"Tone it down fog horn." I said jokingly.

Seemed like he didn't understand my joke.

He started bowing frantically, startling me.

"My apologies! I will remember to take in account of you ear sensitivity!"

I put my hand on his shoulder, stopping him.

"Don't worry about it" I reassured him, well really it was to shut him up. I never liked it when people panicked around me. He looked up and smiled at me.

"Alright, Right away. We wouldn't want to upset Aizawa-sensei"

A yellow bag crept from around the desk like a worm.

"Just hurry up" He sighed.

Before getting up I tried to put my mess of hair in a pony tail when the hair tie broke and hit another student.

blacked out (boku no hero academia fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now