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Ch13 Sweeney's POV

"hello love" Nellie says when I walk down to her shop early that morning I was hoping she would still be asleep but it seems she's ben up for hours. I wanted to see what kind of things she liked but I don't want her to know. I want it to be a surprise.

"hi" I respond and I lean in and give her a kiss. It surprises me a little bit that I do this but soothing about the way she looks this morning. Her hair tides up but her curls pop out here and there. It's all quite attractive. Also her black and green dress fits her body nicely and I can't help but steal a glance at her almost bare chest. God what is this women doing to me.

"do you want something to eat" she asks after a pause I can tell my kiss took her by up rise as wee. Funny after fifteen years I still remember how to be charming.

"I'm fine, I think I'm going to go out for a bit" I say carefully. I don't want her to think I'm avoiding her but I have a plan of something I can do to make her happy.

"that nice dear. Get a little fresh air" she says and I smile a little bit at her she's always so supportive of whatever I want to do. Even if it's killing people. Lucy was never like that she was so spoiled. Always got her way.

"I'll be back later tonight" I state and because I can't help myself I give her another kiss and she blushes which I find so cute. I then hurry off into town. I know I don't get out muck, I just don't like people even if I've tried to stop killing for Nellie I still believe everyone deserves to die. London id no exception there are so many horribly people out there. I pass some small shops until I am in the center of the town and I find what I am looking for.

"how can I help your sir" says a man standing by the counter I look around a little at all the jewelries that this store has.

"yes um may I see some of your necklaces" I ask a little shyly. I want to get Nelle something special something to show her that I really do care.

"of course" the man says and he brings out a display case of necklaces. There are so many. Silver one's gold ones. Ones with different colored stones. The man must have showed me almost every neckless there was but none of them seem right for Mrs. Lovett.

"sir if you don't seeone you like we could do a custom order" says the man after about two hours of me looking around. There is a lot of beautiful jewels here and I can't help but look at the rings.

"you can do that oh that would be great" I say he nods and comes back with some papers in hand. He had them to me along with some books with different sales of rings and necklaces.

"just fill these out and let me know if you have any questions" he says bringing me to a small siting aria and I look through the papers and start to fill them out. First they ask the name and address. Then they have the part where you can make the pace of jewelries. I take a pick at the rigs. Maybe one day ill marry Nellie but for now stick to the plan. It seems to take forever but after another three hours I decide on the pace. I silver chain with a ruby surrounded my white diamonds in the shape of a rose. I think it's perfect.

"all done" I say walking back up to the counter. The man turns around and smiles at me. Maybe there is an exciting to my creed. Maybe not everyone deserves to die. It's a nice thought.

"very good sir it should be ready in about a week or so" the man says putting my paper in some type of filing system.

"thank you and have a nice afternoon" I say and I walk out. I'm quite hungry so I walk around till I find something to eat. It's a sandwich but I have a sudden craving for nellies pies. After I eat I walk around a bit and I find a small flower shop. I decide to get Nellie some daises sine she likes those as well. After buying the flowers I see the sun start to set I decide to make the journey home. It takes a good wile to walk home and its starting to get cold out. Once I'm home I here yelling coming from the pie shop and I look in the window.

"stop it" I here Nellie saw and I see some man I've never meet before pushing her up against the fall trying to force herself on her he starts reaching for her dress and it's all too clear what his intercoms are. My blood starts to boil and rage takes over me. I rush in to help knell pulling the sick basted of her and biting him as hard as I can. Finally, I bring out my beloved razor.

"wait I say" I here Nelle say and I look over at her. Her hair is a mess and her eye makeup has run down her face.

"Nellie" I say bewildered. Saintly she doesn't except me to let this guy live. Only then do I notice the look in her eye the same look I know I had when I killed the judge. And my eyes move down to see one of my razors in her hand.

"you were right love we all deserve to die" she says so calmly its almost scary I let the guy go and she lunges forward and starts stabbing him reputedly. Until she on the ground leaning over his dead and mangled body. Basted got what he deserved. It's a little scary seeing Nellie like this but she is getting her revenge. Her ultimate revenge and I understand that all too well.

"Nellie. Nell. Love... he's dead" I saw after a while I let her take her anger out. In face I find it quite attractive the sight of her covered in blood. But when I see her start to cry I take the razor from her hand.

"just get read of it" she says moving away from the body. I go down to the celery funny it seems iv ben doing that quite a lot lately. As soon as I open the door I am hit with the stench of the bake house it smells of dead rats and spoiled meet which concede ring what's gone on down here makes perfect sense.

"rot in hell" I say thronging him in the oven. We haven't used people for meet for two weeks now since I haven't been killing as much and Nellie is the only one who knows how to grind the body. How dare he try to hurt my Nellie. I walk up satires and see she's not in the kitchen and look around till I find her in her bedroom just looking at herself in the mirror.

"you all right" I say not knowing what else to do. I know she's not ok but I also know she's a strong woman that's part of why I love her. 

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