Chapter 8

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Newts POV

I'm so excited. But that's interrupted by Jack saying "let's go now Newt grab Isaac." "No I'm staying here TOMMY HELP I'M IN HE-" I was cut off again by Jack saying "I told you to take Isaac but no now you can go with them but not Isaac. We are keeping him." There was not a more perfect time for Tommy to run in. "NEWT! ISAAC!...Wait what are you doing just give us our baby and you can leave alive." Jack looked scared but shook his head. "Fine you asked for it." Tommy pulled out a gun and shot Jack in the leg. "

"THOMAS WHAT WAS THAT?" "well it was him leave with my baby who I haven't seen in a month or me leave with my baby so I choose my baby." He said with a shrug. I looked at him like 'seriously'

He shrugged again and ran over to baby Isaac. He picked him up and kissed his for head. He smiled at Izzy (baby Isaac) I smiled at them. "You won't get away from us we will find you." I totally forgot about him. Thomas snickered "did I say that out load." "Yea now let's go." He said as he held onto Izzy and took off running.

I followed him down long hallways until we exited the building and into an SUV. I saw that Minho, Aris, Scott, Stiles, Lydia and Isaac were here. "You guys actually came." I say in surprise. "Love, did you really think we wouldn't stop looking. We all have been looking for you." He said giving Izzy to Isaac who was smiling. "OH MY KING OF LLAMAS HE'S SO ADORABLE." he squealed we all laughed and me and Tommy joined them in the car. "Guys seriously you made the most handsome baby I have ever seen." Lydia said and handed the baby to Stiles. I blushed as Tommy laughed. "I know. He looks so much like Tommy. Perfection." Now it was Tommys turn to blush. I pecked his lips as he just smiled.

"i missed you so much Newt. I don't know what I would have done without you." He said with a smile and tears in his eyes. "But I'm here now Tommy and I'm never going away. Never again." I cup his face with my hands and kissed his beautiful plumped lips. This kiss was filled with passion. I felt fireworks. No not fireworks. A bloody zoo was released in my body. I smile into the kiss. Suddenly I here Aris and Lydia yell "COUPLE GOALS!" Me and Tommy pull apart and laughed. I snuggle into Thomas and fall into a peaceful slumber.

**skip to the waking of the up**

I woke up to a baby crying. I look up in panic not remembering were I am. But then I see Tommy next to me rocking our crying baby. I like that our baby no longer just my baby....I missed him so much. I coo as Izzy grabs onto Thomas's finger. He turns to me with a smile on him face. "Well good morning sleeping beauty." I laugh.

 "good morning to you to my goof ball." "How long have I been asleep" he looks at his watch and replied "um you were asleep for 8 hours. We are almost to the pack house." "How in the world did I sleep through that" I giggle. Tommy smiles at me and says "baby Isaac here was actually asleep to until well when he started crying. He was so peaceful." I mumble a 'mhm' and lay my head back down on his shoulder.

We soon arrive at the pack house. It smells like home. I smile and take Izzy from Isaac, as he wakes up the others. We all walk into the house and I immediately am bombarded by different comments like I missed you, awe he is so adorable, can I hold him, oh my god look at you. I laugh, giving Izzy to Kira and headed to the living room. "Hey newt are you okay and how's the baby?" Liam asks "I am fine Liam I am almost fully recovered, and as for Isaac he is the healthiest baby I know." I hear Isaac gurgle at the end. "I still can't believe you named him after me. Now can I hold him." I look at Tommy and back at my brother and nod. "You guys can take turns holding him I need to talk with Tommy. Once I get back we can do a puppy pile." They all cheer, bombarding Kira with questions to hold him.

Liam runs up and hugs me before I get to Tommy. He is basically my pup. "I missed you." "Awe I missed you to li." I coo and once I let go he goes back to the group. I laugh as I take my final steps towards Thomas. "Well we all missed you, but nobody as much as me." He says grabbing my hips and I place my hands on his chest. "I missed all of you to. But out of all of them you were my motivation to keep going I love you so much and it was hard staying away from my mate or so long." I say while hugging him.

He looks down at me as kisses my lips soft and (NeAt) slowly. We pull away for breath and i lean into him, taking in his sent. We walk up the hall because he said he had something to show me. "Okay Newt, babe I need you close your eyes." I nod and close my eyes. "Okay now open them" I open my eyes to see a beautiful nursery. It was blue, white, and green. I look to Tommy with tears in my eyes. "Tommy its beautiful. I love it and I love you." I hug him like my life depends on it. "I love you to Newt."

We head back to the living room and everyone is laughing and cuddling with Izzy. I walk up behind the couch and watch them play around with Izzy. I feel arms rap around my waist. I see Tommy and smile. I love my new family. Everything is perfect.

for now at least.

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