2. Marquilla

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EXPOSED: Marquilla Fires Our Source

This post is brought to you by someone who has worked closely with Marquilla Guzman for the past year and a half. As she has worked as Marquilla's PA, our source is viable and will lend us her receipts (texts from Marquilla, etc.) so deluded Marquie stans won't have an excuse to say we're making this up; they'll probably still say it anyways. We're simply enlightening you with facts, people.

According to our source, Marquilla saw red after pictures of her on/off international pop star boyfriend Jason Flamel (like you guys really needed that long description when everyone knows who he is) at the Blair's Confidential Fashion Show emerged. No, she didn't get catty over seeing pictures of him performing on stage as scantily clad models worked the runway. That was him at work and even she couldn't fault him for that, yet she definitely did.

A Hungarian bombshell and BC model by the name of Alidna Pnaliv is why Marquilla couldn't keep her cool. Our source tells us that once Marquilla saw Jason's arm slung over Alidna's shoulder with a big smile on his face, she went mental. Marquilla isn't even with Jason right now since they're on their off-again stage, so she had no reason for jealousy. Marquilla was complaining to our source about how "ugly" Alidna is (her bitterness is really showing) and ranted about why Jason shouldn't have been around her.

Let's get one thing straight. Jason was performing at the BC Fashion Show, as we've stated before. Why would it have been "shocking" or even "out of order" for him to hang out with some of the models backstage? Exactly. Jason had every right to do what he did, and it was obviously innocent. There's nothing wrong with thanking your hosts, but it's not like Marquie would know since she doesn't have a single nice bone in her body.

Because Jason was A) performing at the fashion event and B) single at the time, our source called Marquilla out on being temperamental and unreasonably jealous. According to our source, who we will reiterate was Marquilla's personal assistant and therefore knows how she works, Marquilla had a hissy fit over that one photo of Jason and Alidna. She even nastily indirected her on Twitter, saying:

"@MarquillaGuzman: Some models will do anything to gain relevancy even if it's just a picture with someone 10x as famous as them.

A rude comment on Alidna's Instagram here and a threat to take her down there, and you know for sure she's gone overboard. Of course, the threat wasn't on social media. However, we have a lovely recording of something she said, provided by our source.

"She's a fucking cunt. Who does she think she is, huh? I will literally cut her if she ever goes near him again!"

From there, our source basically told Marquilla that she was overreacting since it wasn't a big deal to begin with. Marquilla being the drama queen that she is, she didn't take our source's words as rationally as she should have. Instead of thinking through her thoughts and moving on, Marquilla not only FIRED our source for allegedly "back talking in a harmful manner," but she also hit her and spat on her face for being "disrespectful."

Our source no longer works for the She-Devil that is Queen M., but the year and a half she spent with her will increase our case for this blog. We already have a source in Marquilla's inner circle (if you're reading this Marquie, be very afraid), so having someone on our side who's actually spent her waking hours catering to Marquilla's needs will be the icing on top of what will be a luxuriously sweet cake.

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