18. Lindsay & Lorraine

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Keeping up with Marquilla is easy when you're working as her personal assistant. Information for the blog is a piece of cake to acquire. On the other hand, escaping her is difficult. She constantly needs a supervisor due to her coke and alcohol use. That means I'm never out of her sight with her busy lifestyle. Without my careful microscope, she'd probably be in rehab right now. Marquilla is literally out of control, and there's nothing I can do to stop her.

Since it's a holiday, Lorraine has the day off of classes. I've got her to help me with Little Miss Not-So-Vanilla today. Thank God! The only problem is, Lorraine isn't at Marquilla's house with me right now; she should have been here a while ago. Then again, I should have known she'd pull this stunt.

I sigh and disapprovingly nod at the pop star lounging on the sofa. It's noon. She hasn't done anything today. Marquilla was supposed to be at a breakfast radio show this morning to promote "Come on Over." I could barely drag her out of bed, so I had to call her manager and say that she's sick today when she isn't. She's just lazy and too drugged up to sort out her priorities because she was out getting coked up last night.

"Lindsaaayyy!" she groans. "Isn't your sister supposed to be here today? Where's Lorraine?"

"She's being her usual late self," I shrug. "It could take anywhere from a few minutes to hours. She'll be here whenever she decides to show up. Why?"

"I want Lorrainnnneeee!" Marquilla childishly whines as she kicks her arms and legs like a frustrated child. I swear she is one in an adult body. "Call her or something! Make her come NOW! I need to tell her something!"

I squint my eyes, confused as to why she'd want to tell Lorraine something. It's the most random thing she's ever said. The two haven't even met and Marquilla's talking like she's been her bestie for years. I can never pick out her thought process because it's so...I don't know how to explain it. I just don't understand how she can think the way she does. Her brain must be exhausted from constant plotting and negativity. That's probably why it doesn't make sense outside of scheming.

Me: Queen M wants your ass to hurry on over here. She literally just told me she wants to tell you something.

Lorraine: You've got to be kidding me Linds. I've never even met her before! Why?

Me: She partied hard last night. Loads of coke and alcohol. I think it's made her delusional. SOS!

Lorraine: I'll be there in 15. Don't die on me sis! Exposing MG needs you!

I place my phone in my pocket and wander to the sofa. Marquilla's eyes hungrily watch as I collapse into the opposite side of the sofa. A good two seats are between us. She's staring at me in a frightening manner and it's making me uncomfortable. Her pupils are still dilated even though she should have slept off the poison she consumed last night. She slept for a good ten hours! I really hope Lorraine speeds over. I don't know if I can stand being alone with Marquie for longer than ten minutes.

"Why are you looking at me?" I question. "Do I have something on my face?"

"No," she giggles, inching closer. "I'm just admiring how pretty you are, Lindsay. Skylar's right, you know? You're really, really pretty. No. You're fucking gorgeous and you don't even realize it."

There's a large glass of orange juice sitting on the coffee table; I'm positive she's turned it in to a mimosa. I don't know what the juice to sparkling wine ratio is, but there's definitely more alcohol in that glass than pulp. It's a scary thought to consider since Marquilla and alcohol usually equates to trouble in the worst kind of way.

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