10. Jason

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 The Truth Tour has been nothing but smooth sailing. Every show has exceeded my expectations because I have the best team and fans in the entire world—or should I say universe? I haven't injured myself, nor has anyone suffered any brutal injuries that would have caused them to sit out for a night or two. Even Sofia has been illness-free. Sure the tour has been great, but it'd be absolutely perfect if Marquilla could have stayed.

I understand why she couldn't; it's expected for us to be apart for prolonged periods because we're both in the spotlight. I should be used to it by now since we've been together for a while—not counting the break, of course—and this routine is becoming monotonous, but I'm not. I can't fathom a day without some kind of interaction with her. I don't care if it's just a text—as long as Marquilla contacts me every day, I'm fine. I couldn't do the Our Universe Tour without her, and I feel completely the same about this one.

However, it's been really nice hanging out with Sofia since we're around the same age and everyone on our team is older than us. Of course I'd never cheat on Marquilla with her! Sofia and I have more of a sibling relationship; she's like the older sister I never had. I spend so much time with her that people do talk, but if people know me well enough, then they'd know that I'd never ever cheat on a girl who means the world to me.

We've just finished the North American leg of the tour, and it's flown by so fast! I seriously can't believe I have a week off until I head to Australia. I also can't believe how welcoming my bed was last night. There really is nothing like sleeping in your own bed.

Just because I have a week off doesn't mean there isn't work to be done. In this industry, it really is a non-stop process. I've got a meeting with Skeeter about my schedule for Australia—radio interviews and TV appearances are usually along the lines of what we discuss. Since it's a lunch meeting, it shouldn't be that bad. But knowing my luck, something is bound to go wrong.

"Fifteen minutes until you have to leave," I tell myself as I check my phone for the time. "At least you're already dresses, Jase. Skeet won't have a reason to yell at you to hurry up this time."

I decided to sit around the kitchen as I wait for the car to arrive. I'd happily drive myself to the restaurant, but I usually end up at places late whenever I do drive myself, so Skeeter sends cars over whenever I have meetings to attend. It sounds very professional and grown up for a nineteen-year-old, but that's my life now that I'm "famous."

My phone suddenly makes a noise, indicating that I've just received a text or email. I instantly grab it to see who could be contacting me. Lately, all I've been receiving are messages from important people like Skeeter or anyone else in the industry; of course I'm not going to ignore the message. However, this isn't what I expected. This text is from an unknown number, yet they're definitely reaching the right person since my name is included in the text.

Whatever you do, don't let Marquilla control what happens after this tour. She'll most likely want you to quit music again. Don't do it. Don't let her get inside your head. She just wants to destroy your career to build hers. Stay for your love of music and the Flam Fam. - xoxo The L Team

The L Team. For some reason, that sounds familiar. I just can't make heads or tails of where I've heard that before. I think I read something of their online, but I'm not sure. But...how do they know my number? Why are they telling me that Marquilla wants to destroy me when I know she doesn't? she loves me! I know she does. She'd never try to influence me in any of the ways they ment—

The doorbell just rang and Skeeter texted me that the car is here. I guess I should go through lunch without trying to think about that text. Everyone will know if my mind's not present, so I have to forget about it for now. Nobody can know how everything is slowly messing with my head. I have to put on my brave face to mask all of this. I can't let my emotions overwhelm me.

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