9. Lindsay & Lorraine

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 Of course Marquilla wouldn't include me in her little Dubai trip because she'd be surrounded by people who she considers to be way too good for me to hang around, and yet she's the one plotting against them—not lil' old me. Yeah, that totally makes sense. But you know what? It's whatever. I'm not going to become bitter because I'm missing out on an amazing vacation experience that's sure to be filled with drama.

It's all good because I'm back with Loraine, which means we can properly get posts u and running without the fear of Marquilla hovering over me. The last post was a close call because just as I was reading through it, the She-Devil wanted to see my laptop. I literally had to rewrite the entire post because I exited the screen without saving it to my drafts. It sucked, but at least I uploaded the post on the night I said I would.

I've been Marquilla free for two days, and it's great to be out of earshot from her constant whining and moaning over Jason. Unfortunately for Audrey, that's not the case. They've been in Dubai for less than a day and Marquilla's already dubbed her the me of the Model Squad. The poor girl can't catch a break because Marquilla wants her around all the time since she thinks Audrey is her friend. Obviously that's not the truth, but we'll let her think what she wants.

Lorraine and I are chilling at Ventura Beach today to relax and work, as lame as that sounds. Work shouldn't be on our minds when we haven't seen each other in weeks, but it's all in the interest of our faithful readers. It's insane how much we've blown up over the past few months; we're like the Jason Flamel of Tumblr because our views are immensely increasing with each passing day.

Of course, every success story has its consequences. A handful of hardcore Marquilla stans are trying to push our buttons, but they're not going to stop us from exposing the truth. They claim that we're being bullies, yet Marquilla's the one playing a life-size game of chess with everyone she encounters playing pieces on the board. We're not trying to ruin one person's career by messing with their mind just to advance in ours—she is. Everyone needs a little bit of convincing before the entire truth can click.

"You know Sofia Giante is touring with Jason, right?" Lorrain asks as s he adjusts her sunglasses even though it's an overcast day. "I think she's opening for him later on in the tour."

"She's actually opening for him on the second leg of the North American tour, then going to Australia and Europe with him," I note. "Marquilla isn't too ecstatic about that since she won't be there to keep an eye on Sofia. She told me so herself before she let me go. I don't think she ever had a problem with Sofia until Jason said he'd duet with her."

Lorraine's eyes light up—she's removed her sunglasses—as she looks at me. I know that face very well. The way her face glows with curiosity makes me want to spill the beans on exactly what went on backstage, but part of me wants to keep that moment for myself. Then again, I kinda have to let her know since Exposing MG is a collaborative effort.

"Fine, I'll tell you!" I sigh immediately after she throws in her puppy dog eyes, which she knows always gets me. "in Seattle, Jason obviously said he'd be down for a duet with Sofia or Reli. Reli's understandable to Marquilla, but I think mentioning Sofia threw her off. She's severely threatened by Sofia because that just means more competition for her musically. Marquie would rather have Sofia stick to her Broadway roots of just be an actress instead of her pursuing a music career because she knows Sofia has killer Mariah-like vocals. Sofia would murder her in the charts and she knows it."

"Yet she's okay with Reli and Lae because of the Winsey family and history?" Lorraine questions, seeming lost.

"She's never going to get mad at Reli because they grew up in the industry together," I affirm. I take a sip of my water before continuing. "The Winsey bond will always connect Lae to Marquie. Oh, and Nils. But he's a thing in the past and Marquie couldn't give two shits about him anymore now that she has Jason."

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