3. Jason

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After Marquilla and I got back together, I received a mysterious email from an anonymous person who claims to be "watching my back." The message wasn't signed, and I didn't want to bother myself by trying to track them down. I really do appreciate their effort since it seems like everyone else in the industry except for Marquilla is out to get me. And yet... she's the one person they told me to stay away from.


Please believe us when we say that we have your best interests at heart. We're genuinely trying to look out for you by saying this. Whatever you do, be very wary of Marquilla Guzman. She isn't the girl you think she is. Don't be fooled by her "charm" and good looks. She's only using you to further herself and her career. Despite what you may think, she couldn't give a damn about you.

We're not saying you should drop all contact with her; that would be very inadvisable and definitely something you shouldn't do. All we're saying is that you should be more careful about what you say or do around her or any of your mutual friends—if "friends" is what you can even call them.

Be careful. Don't trust anything Marquilla says. You have been warned.

It's because of that very email that I've been very paranoid over the past few days. I'm constantly fretting about Marquilla when I should be solely focused on tour prep. If I don't nail this, who knows what the future will hold for me? If I don't give this tour my all and perform each night to sold out stadiums with a clear and healthy mindset, who knows what people will say about me?

Many people discredit my vocal abilities and blame my looks for making me famous. I can see why people love to hate me, but I'm not a bad person and I can actually sing! The Flamily—that's what my amazing fans call themselves—will testify to that any day of the week. Of course they're biased, but they're the ones who truly matter. The people who have continually tried to put me down and kiss up to me when I succeed don't.

"Jason, are you okay? Do you need a break or something? Because if you do, it's okay."

I shake my head and blink to bring myself back to reality and out of my head. My manager, Skeeter, has that fatherly concerned look on his face that he gets whenever something is extremely worrying him. While he knits his brows, an unamused pout forms, furthering his troubled thoughts.

"I-I'm okay. I swear," I frantically promise, although not convincingly enough.

"Uh-huh," he tuts, clearly not buying my words. Skeeter sighs and runs a hand through his short chestnut locks before continuing his thoughts. "Lately, you seem distracted. Is it Marquilla? Are you worried about her?"

"N-no!" I stammer, slamming a hand on my knee and accidentally knocking the mic stand down in the process. "It's definitely not her, Skeet! Why would you even make that insinuation?"

Skeeter pulls me away from center stage and forces me to sit down. Not knowing what to do with myself, I swing my legs off of the side of the stage and anxiously await my fate. I can feel an in-depth interrogation heading my way and knowing Skeeter, he's going to keep me here for as long as it takes to solve the problem regardless of how much rehearsal time I lose. I know he has a right to be concerned, but I'm sure this will all blow over once I feel fully prepped for tour.

"You can at least tell me what's bothering you," he proposes in a business-like manner. "Seriously, Jase! What the fuck is going on? You haven't really been yourself since you got back with Marquilla. That's why I asked if it had anything to do with her. I just worry, you know? I know you really like her, but I d­­­­—"

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