22. The L Team

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It's been two months since Marquilla left rehab. And you know what? The media totally bought the lupus story! I honestly couldn't believe it when I was watching Access Hollywood one night just for kicks. But there it was, and that's what everyone thinks is the cause of the month and a half Marquilla spent away from the spotlight. It's ridiculous how gullible people can be. I feel sorry for everyone who's gobbling it up when her team's lying to hide the truth behind her dark secret.

As desperately as Lorraine and I wanted to write about it, amongst other things that have risen, we couldn't. Thanks to Skylar, Exposing MG has been shut down indefinitely. There may have been threats when she cornered me at the hospital, and she might have said things that made me uneasy. I knew how serious she'd take things if we continued writing, so we tacked on the memo about our hiatus on the last post.

Skylar's also the reason why I told Marquilla I was quitting. Doing something English-related is what I plan on doing, but Skylar is a bigger reason for my departure from being Marquilla's lapdog. She would have more leverage to out us and completely blow my cover if I had continued working for Marquilla. I didn't want to risk anything or give Skylar the satisfaction of having that knowledge over my head, so I thought the best move for concealing Lorraine and my identity would be for me to quit.

Skylar may know who we are, but she has no idea that Audrey is one of our sources. Of course I was a prime source. I heard nearly everything that came out of Marquilla's mouth! Yet Audrey completely passed Skylar's mind and she didn't seem fazed when I told Jason she's my cousin. Where else would we have received all of that tea from Dubai? I wasn't there, but she thought I was even though I said I wasn't at the Vanilla Squad tea party. It seems Skylar's not as omniscient as she appears.

Since I left Marquilla's screwed up life, Lorraine and I have been working on the down low. We know we can't post for a while, but that doesn't mean we haven't been planning. We've simply been biding our time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to reappear.

The Vanilla Queens aren't the only professional scheming duo in the game. The L Team has a few trick up their sleeves that neither Skylar nor Marquilla will anticipate. Let's just say our comeback is going to be lit, and the Vanilla Squad better prepare to square off with their exposers.

It's an oddly lively afternoon in the Goodrem residence. Lately it's been dull since Lorraine has been busy with finals and I've—well, I haven't been doing too much except job hunting. However, the three of us—Lorraine, Audrey, and I—have gathered around the kitchen to discuss the blog's future, hence the liveliness. We obviously want to continue, but it'll be difficult since I'll be abroad. And we all know how much of a bitch time zones can be.

"And you've decided to be an au pair in Paris next year because...?" Audrey questions as she swishes around the tea in her mug, eyeing at me like I'm crazy.

"Lindsay thinks it'll be good to put her French to use," Lorraine explains in my steed. "And you know how much she loves kids, Aud. The job will be perfect for her and she'll get to take some classes at one of the universities! Ugh, now I'm jealous I didn't think about attending college abroad!"

"What better way to get back in the swing of things than in Paris?" I add. "Ce sera parfait!" (It'll be perfect!)

"It's not like it'll be any different from taking care of Marquilla," Lorraine jests. "Except the kids are probably smarter and more well mannered than her, even if they're only six! I also wouldn't be surprised if you fall in love and stay there, Linds. Imagine you falling in love in the city of romance! Oh la la! C'est romantique à penser!" (It's romantic to think about!)

"I don't' think that'll happen," I dismiss, thinking about that almost kiss between Jason and me before I drove him to the hospital. "I'll be busy with school and the twins since their dad will barely be around. My au pair experience won't be like the movie, Lorraine. You know how I am about guys. I'm very picky! I haven't dated anyone since—you know."

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