4. Lindsay & Lorraine

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Since we started contacting Jason, Exposing MG has exponentially grown. Two posts in, and we've gone from an audience of less than fifty readers to nearly 100,000. Then again, we pretty much went from zero to one hundred by making our second post about the Marson contract. We're even starting to get salty Marquilla stans hating on us by tweeting vulgarities! We knew it was coming, but later is definitely when we thought we would receive them than sooner. Whatever. We'll take all the hate we can get to make sure the world knows just what a conniving little witch Marquilla is.

Speaking of Marquilla, I don't think she knows how much her life is about to change now that we're on the scene. Gossip columns come and go, but as long as the media buys her vanilla image, you know we'll never leave. How can we when there's so much to expose and so many people Marquilla has wronged? The source post introduced our readers to her true colors, but the Marson contract opened their eyes to what's to come. Disregarding her crazy stans, the response so far has been insanely positive.

By writing the contract post, I wanted all of those delusional Marson shippers to know that their relationship has been a farce from the very beginning. I wanted them to understand that everything isn't all sunshine and rainbows for their favorite couple, and that there's a good reason why Marquilla is back as Jason's number one girl. She's obviously not stupid; she wouldn't be messing with Jason if she didn't have a game plan.

Lorraine and I are currently sitting at a Starbucks in Barnes and Nobles, catching up on recent events. But it's not just the two of us sipping on caffeinated beverages as we lean back in our chairs to discuss our favorite backstabber. Both of our sources—Marquilla's ex-personal assistant and Alidna's bestie—are with us to spill some tea. The two girls sitting opposite us are discussing matters out of their own free will. We didn't force them to come here just to get info; we could have just texted them for that. Instead, we're here for a nice, girly chat.

"Not everyone believes the contract is real," Lorraine mentions as she scrolls through the comments on her laptop. "I kinda expected that. Marquie stans refuse to believe their love has been fake from her this entire time, but they can go on being blind for all I care."

"I love how they insist you guys are just jealous," our source laughs, throwing her head back in amusement. "Yes, you two are totally jealous that you're not Marquilla and that's exactly why you started this blog."

"They think Linds and I are closet Marquilla stans," Lorraine adds. "Ha! As if we've ever stanned her throughout her entire career when we know she's a fucking terrible person."

"Poor Jason," Alidna's friend somberly sighs, lowering her gaze to the pool of chocolate colored liquid in her mug. "He's not doing anything wrong, is he? I mean, he hasn't done anything to offend her or anything."

"No," I respond. I down the rest of my drink before continuing my thoughts. "Jason just happens to be one of Marquilla's many victims. Because of the PR contract, he unfortunately gets to be her most important victim. She could have made one with Nils when they were together, but his brothers and Reli would have called her out for it. And let's not forget Iris Morrigan—er, Lae Morrigan. Nils dated them on and off."

"Lae absolutely abhors Marquilla!" Lorraine exclaims, getting way too excited about the topic that she slams her mug onto the table top. "Oops. Excuse my excitement, but yesss! Basically all the girls who had a show on Winsey the same time as her find her annoying. They all know what a snake she can be."

"The thing about Reli is that she grew up with Marquilla. They're both Latinas from Nashville and career-wise, they've been through almost everything together," I point out. The girls nod in agreement and i look each one of them in the eye to make sure the floor is still mine. "Then Josh Bohous started dating Skylar Rose and he introduced her to Marquilla since she was with Nils at the time. The girls instantly became friends and set out for world domination. The only reason why nobody is touching Marquilla is because of her connection to Skylar."

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