5. EXPOSED - The Marson Contract

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Before we spill any major tea on Marquilla, we thought we'd let you in on a little background that can enlighten you on her relationship with Jason Flamel. As you can probably guess from the title of this post, today is going to be all about the Marson Contract. Yup, you heard us. Do we have to put the word in bold and all caps for you to properly read it? If so, then here ya go. CONTRACT.

That's right, folks. The so-called lovebirds, aka Jason Flamel and the HBIC herself Marquilla Guzman, started out as a PR contract back in 2011 after Jason soared into the music scene. Those pesky Marquilla stans are probably gonna come at us and go "big deal! Loads of celebrities have PR contracts." Most PR contracts are solely because the couple are doing a movie together or whatever. This one was made to make Marquilla a star. But before we can tell you exactly what went down, let's take a step back to 2009. Why that year? Well, that's the year our story begins.

15-year-old Jason Flamel made a mark in pop music that year as his debut single "Just Once" hit the airwaves. Jason found immediate success and the song went on to multi-platinum status before Our Universe even came out in spring 2010. But his instantaneous rise to fame came with a price tag just like everything else in the industry. As a minor, you're not directly entitled to dough you make in the spotlight. Your parents, however, are.

Everyone could tell from that one song that Jason was about to make some serious cash very quickly. Of course his parents wanted in. And so, a little after Jason's sweet sixteen, a contract was signed by the impressionable singer, the head of his label, and his parents Jeremy Flamel and Donna Arkwright. What could the group have possibly signed to keep Jason under control. A parent contract. We shouldn't have to spell it out for you, but we'll give you the deets of the contract so you know just how much of a cash cow Jason's been to everyone so far.

In the Parent Contract, Jason signed away his rights for any input regarding his career. Regardless of whether or not he liked something, Jason had to do it if his management told him to. Jason had to make and release the songs they wanted—they knew what they were doing because hits were constantly cranked out. Everything was decided by his management, but they couldn't do it alone.

Enter Jason's parents, Jeremy and Donna. The duo majorly cashed in on their son, but not through his music. Since Jason is a very family-oriented person, they could force him to comply with the label, and the label would pay them for their services. With Jeremy and Donna's influence, the label and the rest of Jason's team were unstoppable with each new single, advertisement, and performance. By taking advantage of the Flam Fam's obsession with their heartthrob idol, everyone was happy—everyone except for Jason, himself.

Now, you're wondering where Marquilla fits into all of this. Don't you worry your sad, delusional hearts, Marquie stans. We're about to tell you about the moment when Jason signed his soul to the she-devil. You just have to sit back and watch the events unfold before your eyes.

Now, as any Jason stan knows, he was dating fellow singer Dahlia Lefton in 2009. And guess who wormed their way into Jason's life and broke them up? If you guessed Marquilla, then you're 100% correct. When she entered the picture, it was "Adios, Dahlia!" And "Hello, Hell!"

In October 2009, Marquilla was everywhere because people kept asking her about Jason since he mentioned in an interview that she was his celebrity crush. Poor Jason...so young, and so naïve. Marquilla and Jason were pretty buddy-buddy at the time, having met a few times at events but never really speaking to each other, so she insisted that Jason was like a little brother to her and they were "just friends."

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