15. Marquilla

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 Life can't get much better than this. Everything is falling beautifully into place and I might cry from pure joy because of this. The album is coming along swimmingly, Reli and I are on good terms again, and I've got Jason right where I want him. Not to mention the girls and Lindsay wrote the most kick-ass song when I left them for the spa a few day ago. I should have them write more songs together. I don't know how or why life is smiling down on me, but I'm sure as hell not complaining!

My only problem right now is Lindsay and Sofia. Lindsay's been off since the sleepover, and Sofia's just being a downright bitch to me about Jason.

I get the whole Lindsay situation. God, do I remember what happened that night so well! Now she knows I think she's attractive because A) I told her she's beautiful, B) I made out with her, and C) I wanted to fuck her. Drunk Marquilla is far from subtle about what she wants, and she definitely wanted Lindsay that night. I understand why Lindsay's attitude towards me has changed. She's still freaked out over my actions, which is totally comprehensible.

But Sofia Giante? The girl is literally begging for something bad to happen to her. I mean, she claims she's Jason's friend just because she's had a few laughs with him without me. Big whoop. I know what Sofia is. If she doesn't want to admit it, that's fine. She can go on and continue telling Jason I'm playing him or whatever, but we both know he'll always take my side. He has to take my side since he's so infatuated with me. She can bat her pretty eyes and use every other trick in the book in an attempt to sway him away from me, but whatever she does will never work. Sofia is simply digging a large grave for herself by being Jason's "friend."

Whatever Sofia has planned to ruin me won't work. I have someone on my side who will go to great lengths with her influence to protect me—Skylar. America's sweetheart and I are having a little tea party at my house with some of our other friends; I believe those exposing rats call them the minions of our so-called "Vanilla Squad."

Despite starting half an hour ago, it's been a successful meeting so far. I think it's because I tried to make this feel like a real afternoon tea with the girls. I made Lindsay go everywhere around the city to get those little cakes and pastries I always see in British people's Instagram pictures at tea parties. I knew I had to go all out to impress Elle and Farah since they're legit Brits. I just hope this meets their standards.

"Guys, let's take a second to appreciate our hostess for arranging this," Skylar suggests as she nods towards me. "This is seriously amazing, Marquilla! It's like we've flown to London without actually flying there!"

"I can't take all the credit," I humbly say. "Lindsay did a hell of a job driving around the city to get all the cakes and pastries. I'm not going to discredit her for all of that. She's literally a lifesaver. I don't know what I'd do without her."

"Well aren't you lucky I applied for the job?" she sarcastically asks. "Whatever would you do without me, Marquilla?"

"I'm fucking grateful for you, Linds!" I honestly answer. I take my cup and stand up before saying, "which is why I propose a toast to Lindsay Beatrice Goodrem for being the best damn personal assistant in the world and challenging me every day. We don't always see eye to eye, but I'm lucky to have Lindsay in my life. She truly does make it less hectic. To Lindsay!"

"TO LINDSAY!" everyone except Lindsay shouts as we all clink our little cups of tea together.

Lindsay shakes her head and blushes from the attention, which she rightfully deserves. I've been incredibly hard on her since she started working for me, but I have my reasons. I knew she'd be a tough cookie to boss around.

I quickly caught on to the grudge she has against me. I thought it'd be fun to make her life a living hell since she clearly didn't like me, which is why I've been such a demanding diva to her. Despite my behavior, the girl's stuck to her guns and gave no shit about my attitude towards her; I admire her for that.

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