13. Lindsay & Lorraine

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 If Marquilla thinks I'm going to ever forget that she came onto me, she thought wrong. It's been about a week and a half since it happened, and I can't seem to shake it off. She's been going round and being her normal, bossy self like it never happened. I don't see how she's letting it slide like it was no big deal when it was a huge discovery for me. I never knew she was bisexual until that night. I always thought she was straight, then that happened. Of course I needed answers, so I approached the two people in the house who knew more about her than me.

Sima wasn't surprised when I told her about what happened, and Reli shouted that she knew Marquilla wasn't straight. Audrey just looked at all of us like she was missing something, so as we cleaned up the mess we made, Sima told us about Marquilla's bisexuality. It's an eye-opening story, and I really can't wait to tell our readers about it. There's definitely more to look out for on this topic. I can feel it.

I'm so exhausted and all I want to do is stay in bed because I was at the music video shoot with Marquilla all day. She didn't really need me, yet I had to go so I could fetch her food; there was catering, too. But when you work for a girl who spends her waking hours strategizing for world domination, there's no chance for a break unless she's off with the Model Squad. Speaking of the Model Squad...

"Hey, Aud! Haven't heard from you since the sleepover," I greet my lovely cousin over the phone.

"That's because I've been trying to process that you, Lindsay Beatrice Goodrem, are working for the very person you're trying to expose with your sister," she answers. "It's quite genius, I have to admit."

"There's totally a 'but' to this, isn't there?" I ask as I finally decide that I'm awake enough to get out of bed and head to the bathroom.

"But how did you get the job? More importantly, how did you know she was looking for a new PA when you didn't meet your source until way after she was fired?" Audrey presses.

"I know people," I bluntly respond. I take a moment to brush my teeth while Audrey yammers on about something Ashlee and Adriana mentioned at lunch the other day.

"...worried about Jason," she voices in a melancholic tone. I stop rinsing and turn off the faucet to hear better. "Marquilla's been getting in his head now that she has something new to promote soon. She just shot a video for a new single, right?"

"Yeah," I sigh. "I'm still trying to recover from it. It took all day yesterday and tomorrow starts the radio tour. I thought I was going to get a longer break because of the movie she was going to do, then she decided her music's more important right now. She dropped it so she can work on the album, which she started a few days ago."

"And you have to be with her in the studio because...?"

"She's a diva with the worst temper ever," I flatly respond as I make my way to the kitchen.

Either Lorraine isn't going to class, or it's cancelled. She's never home when I wake up on weekdays because I tend to rise pretty late when Marquilla doesn't need me in early; it's about 10:15. I can smell the coffee from across the room, so I naturally gravitate towards the pot. It's still steaming, which must mean she woke up not that long ago. I pour myself a cup and sprinkle just a dash of sugar because I like my coffee as black and bitter as Marquilla's soul. I haven't forgotten about Audrey on the line; breakfast is important for compiling tea.

"I don't understand how you can like pumpernickel," Lorraine comments as she stabs her fruit salad with a fork. "It's disgusting! It's probably the least appetizing bread ever."

"Well I think it's delicious and that's why I'm eating it," I sass back as I slather pesto spread on it.

Lorraine makes a gagging noise as I place a dollop of cream cheese on each slice. Audrey's laughter rings through the receiver, and I put her on speaker. Just so everything's balanced, I make my own fruit bowl before joining my sister at the table.

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