19. EXPOSED - Marquilla's Hospitalization

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As everyone is fully aware by now, we at Exposing MG like to keep you up to date with all of the latest goss on Marqulla Guzman. If you're an avid reader, then you're aware that no topic is off limits. Tonight's topic no different. You've probably guessed from the title that it deals with a very serious issue, which is why we also regret to inform you this will be our last post for a while.

We don't want to go on a hiatus either. At least certain people—we'll be nice and refrain from calling people out—will be happy that we won't be talking about their favorite person for a while. They're probably throwing a party this very second because we'll be gone!

We're doing this out of respect for Marquilla. Contrary to popular belief, we're not evil people who take joy in mocking the ill. That would be downright disgusting and unsympathetic. Besides, we know some people would be out for blood if we tried. Our fave Marquie stans would definitely tweet a few words about how "vile" and "disgusting' we are. It's not like there would be much tea to spill. Literally the only thing that would happen is tracking "Come on Over" in the charts. Yawn. Not enough tea for us.

A little birdie tipped Skylar Rose off about us and she's somehow figured out our identities. Yeah, we're very scared too because we don't know how she did it. Nobody knows who we are except for our sources...and now Skylar. She's just as powerful as we've mentioned, so we're not going to risk potential torture or a lawsuit. No thanks. We'll pass on that.

Moving onto the post now...because you know, we need to make this a quick one so nobody gets hurt and the media doesn't write about this before us (they don't even know this happened yet).

Marquilla is big on partying, alcohol, and cocaine just like a handful of other starlets around her age; her supplier happens to be a TV star. This should come as no surprise to anyone. We've told you this before. Last night, she went out to celebrate "Come on Over" reaching number one on its debut week. It sounds harmless under the circumstances, but what went down is a far cry from an innocent night of fun on the town with the girls.

Marquilla, Sima, her PA, and a couple others were spotted bar hopping last night. Everyone except our girl looked like they could hold their liquor. Then again, none of them were on drugs. In total, the girls visited five bars and stayed for approximately half an hour at each one, according to our source. That isn't a lot of time, and you can't drink enough to become super wasted in that period unless you keep asking for shots and the bartender doesn't refuse each request. That's why none of the other girls were piss drunk.

Each time the girls left one bar to head to the next, Marquilla's sobriety decreased. At one point, her PA, Lindsay, tried to drag her to her car so she could take her home. Marquilla obviously wouldn't listen. Here's a text from our source telling us all about it.

Our Source: Marquilla was schwasted as fuck last night and she had sunnies on the entire time because she was definitely on coke. Nobody should have to wear sunnies at night, but Marquilla did to hide her eyes. She lookd glamorous and mysterious with them on, but underneath the sunnies was a monstrosity that only a coke addict wears.

You know how dilated pupils is one of the signs? Case for the sunnies. Of course there were paparazzi flashing camera lights in her face, so she had them on because her eyes were super sensitive to the light. It's probably why she chose to go to bars instead of a club. Bar lights are usually dimmer than club lights, which makes them more tolerable for people with light sensitive eyes.

I also noticed that she sniffled a lot because her nose was running. She was definitely snorting a good amount. There's no other explanation for it since coke is her drug of choice. At least her nose didn't bleed. Everyone would have been suspicious if that happened.

Us: Did you notice anything about her behavior? Like, did it suddenly change at times or anything like that?

Our Source: She was really giddy around Lindsay and clung onto her like a baby marsupial. In the bars, she was super confident about herself and challenged people to drinking competitions. The mix of alcohol with the drug probably had something to do with the cocaine symptoms showing less. After the fifth bar, Lindsay finally got Marquilla into her car after she passed out on the sidewalk.

Us: Yikes! That doesn't sound good at all!

Fast-forward to this afternoon, and Marquilla is hospitalized. We don't know all the details since it's so relevant. We're obviously not able to get our hands on a medial report, but what we do know is the severity of Marquilla's condition. It's not looking too pretty, and we wish her a speedy recovery (we actually mean it).

According to one of our sources, Marquilla fainted at her house. She was rushed to the hospital and admitted to the ICU, where they had to pump her stomach for toxins. She was also said to have had a "silent" heart attack, as she didn't express any sort of pain from her chest to the people around her prior to collapsing. We can't imagine how frightening this is to her loved ones, especially Jason.

Speaking of Jason, can you imagine how terribly he's taking this news? The poor boy must be going mental over this! Marquilla's his entire world and more. How is he supposed to cope when he's in danger of losing the most important person in his life?

After finding out about his precious girlfriend being in a coma (that's also breaking information from our source), he took to Twitter to announce news that is sending a chorus of sad violins in the background of everyone in the Flamily (that's an assumption).

@JasonFlamel: Something has come up. It is with a heavy heart that I'm announcing an indefinite break from music after the tour ends. Love you guys so much. Hope you understand. 

- Jase

There's only a few days left in the Truth Tour. Ironically, quitting music is all Marquilla wanted from Jason over the past year. However, we don't suspect she'd want it to happen like this. Contrary to what we've written, Marquilla does have a heart in some form or else she wouldn't have had that heart attack. But that doesn't mean something huge won't happen when she wakes up. We think she'll break up with him for good when he tells her his decision, but that might not happen since she's the reason why he's taking time off of music.

We know this post isn't as gritty or informative as anyone would like, but we're proud to say you heard it from us first. We're seriously looking through TMZ and Perez Hilton right now to see if they have anything. Nothing yet. You really are hearing this fresh out of the oven!

We don't know when we'll be back. We don't know exactly what will happen when this hospital drama blows over—rehab for Marquilla and her team covering it up with some other illness is our bet—but we'll always be watching. If Skylar thinks she can scare us because she knows who we are, and we know you'll be reading this Skylar, then she's wrong...to some extent.

We'll be ready with more tea before you know it. But for now, this is see you later. We love you guys to bits.

The L Team

P.S. Our predictions for the future: Marson breaking up with the contract still intact, Jason completely losing it as a result, and Marquilla coming back with a vengeance to separate herself from the boy who basically made her career. We also predict a riot (ha!) from the Vanilla Squad, particularly regarding Jason's demise. We'll also welcome the PR relationship of the New Year—Danlar.  

A/N: 3 chapters left, guys! See ya then.

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