12. Marquilla

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What bothers me the most isn't that stupid exposing blog talking shit about me. I could care less about the stuff they write about me because I know that nobody important reads their sad, little blog. They're the least of my troubles. No. what really grinds my gear is at the moment is everyone getting close to Jason, whether on tour or not. I'm not trying to be possessive or anything, but enough is enough and those bitches need to back off if they don't want to suffer severe consequences.

Sofia Giante is currently at the top of the list, followed closely by Alidna and Lae. Sofia may be tiny and have a little girl's speaking voice, but she's not that innocent. I know for a fact that she sleeps around and has tried every drug she can get her skinny little paws on. She even has a boyfriend, but he's okay with it because he does the same and they have discussions about their promiscuity. This isn't the kind of person I want hanging around Jason at all. For all I know, he's going to be another one of her conquests and she'll go running to her irrelevant boyfriend from Youtube so she can tell him all about it.

Since I returned from Dubai, this has been eating my thoughts. I can't get away without seeming like a jealous girlfriend; that's how people will see me if I post something on social media. But Sofia has been posting a lot of picture of her with Jason on tour. And I'm not letting her off the hook about that little beach party. Such a shame that I can't physically be there to ward her away.

"Screw what everyone else thinks. Sofia Giante needs to watch herself," I declare through gritted teeth as I type up a tweet.

@MarquillaGuzman: Thought @SofiaGiante already has a boyfriend? WYD with mine gurl?

@SofiaGiante: @MarquillaGuzman honey u have nothing to worry about. He's all yours xoxo

I'm not going to respond to her tweet even though my fingers are itching for the keypad. I have better things to do than fight with wannabe Mariah today, like shoot the music video for my new single "Come on Over." The song has a Bolllywood vibe to it, so I'm thinking of going all out for the video. Those exposing rats are probably going to call me out for the song and video when they're released, but I'm not going to let them ruin this for me. This song will be a chart topper, and I'll do anything to make sure it reaches platinum status.

Lindsay is meeting me at the video shoot. I hope she has everything I asked her to get, because I'm not in the mood for anything to go wrong today. Not gonna lie, I missed having her around me in Dubai. It was strange not having her to boss around, but at least I had Sima and Audrey to keep me company. Those two literally saved my ass with the Reli incident; I'm sure Lindsay would have also done a good job covering for me.

A quick glance at my phone tells me that I have a half hour to drive to the shoot location, so I grab a few snacks, put on my favorite locket, and grab my purse before zooming out of the house in my red convertible. The few paparazzi outside of the gates are rewarded for their patience as I drive by with the radio cranked up. Ironically, one of Jason's songs is playing.

"Such a beautiful day for an outside shoot!" I happily sigh while the wind caresses my hair and I speed down the freeway. The salty air tickles my nose, making me scrunch it up. "It'd be unfortunate for something to ruin this good mood."

The weather and this drive by myself is definitely the reason why I'm so happy right now. There's just something about the sun that instantly boosts my mood, and it's not because of the warmth it emits. I think it's the sun's energy that can turn my frown upside down. I'm sure anyone who knows me can agree with that. If I'm being sour or negative, all you have to do is pop me under sunlight to ensure the Marquilla you see is the happy one.

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