7. Marquilla

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Getting Jason to agree with or do things for me is a piece of cake since the poor boy is infatuated with me. The thing with this industry is that you always have to put your best foot forward and take advantage of things in your favor. In order to survive, you have to be able to manipulate people's perception of you so if you do anything worth talking about (ie. scandals and whatnot), then it won't be a big deal in the future because people will always have your back.

That's basically what happened to Jason. That man is a complete idiot for thinking that feelings between us are mutual—there was a time when I like him, too. Who wouldn't be attracted to Jason Flamel? Those gorgeous hazel eyes, the hair, that smile! I had a crush on him before we got together, but everything changed for me after a vacation in the Bahamas. I realized I was dating a guy who was whiney and complained way too much about his issues. I didn't want that! I wanted someone who can take things like a guy should, not someone who came to me about how hectic tour life was or something like that! Jason's a good guy and all, but he needs to stop being a whiney bitch!

Jason wasn't even supposed to release Trust. He was supposed to quit music after Our Universe: Recharged came out and the tour ended. I'm supposed to be more successful than him right now, selling millions of records worldwide and selling out arenas—not him. He should have given up his career so we can live off of what he made. I mean, Jason blew up so fast that he seriously could retire and live off of what he made over the past couple of years. But is he doing that? HELL NO! Instead, he's come out with Trust and is on this massive 186 city world tour where thousands of screaming girls are going to sing his songs back to him. That should be right now, not him.

But I guess playing the dutiful, supportive girlfriend and going on tour with Jason for a bit isn't too bad of a gig, either. He's scared of losing me again. I see it in his eyes when he looks directly into mine. This just makes everything easier for me, and I'm sure I've set the record straight for his fans that he's all mine and nobody else's. I'll cut the next skank who tries to flirt with him.

Jason has a few days off and we're somewhere in Canada. With no shows to look forward to for the next couple of days, I get to have him all for myself. I'll make sure people it, too. Just a quick call will have the paps surrounding us wherever Jason decides to take us today. And if he really loves me like he says he does, then he won't have a problem focusing all of his attention on me; his fans have had enough attention and I'm sick of it!

I'm currently in my hotel room—Jason is somewhere off to breakfast with Skeeter—and having a chat with Audrey Reinhard. Alidna is so stupid if she thinks Audrey is actually her friend. Bitch, please! The poor girl is delusional as fuck if she thinks Audrey is her bestie. Little does she know, Audrey is my lapdog. I love having that bitch around to feed me info.

"Something needs to be done about her, Auds. I'm telling you right now, she needs to fucking stay away if she knows what's good for her," I nearly shout into the receiver. "And her other model friends, too. I don't trust them one bit."

"And you trust me?" Audrey questions.

"You're not like them. I mean, you descend from acting royalty while Alidna... I don't even know what to say about her," I respond with a shrug.

"She's not as bad as you're making her out to be, Marquilla. You're going to have to make peace some time so you don't seem like a bitter bitch who's hung up on something that happened weeks ago. What about the Spencers? You're friends with Ashlee and Adriana, right?"

"To some extent... okay, no!" I confess. "I don't trust them around Jason at all. They're sketchy and one of them is bound to get her grubby hands on Jase. No fucking way am I letting that happen! Why the hell should I be friends with them when they come from a family of skanks who only became famous because one of them had a sex tape?"

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