Chapter Ten

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Harry flopped down on the floor beside his wife. His fingers fumbled against his wife. He clawed at her hair to get it out of the way. His fingers touched to her neck, but his heart pumped so quickly that he couldn't get a good read. Pressing his hand to her back, he tried to feel if she moved.

"Lucy! Lucy!" He put his face down to the ground beside her and brushed her hair back. "Lucy?"

There wasn't a response.

He put his hand in front of her mouth and nose, feeling air go in and out. She was alive, breathing, but it was shallow and uneven. Beside Lucy's head, with some of her blonde hair in it, was a pool of red blood.

"Shit, shit, shit." He moved her eyelids apart to see her eyes. Thankfully both pupils were yet small, so neither of them were blown. Hopefully there wasn't any internal bleeding in the head. "Shit." Her eyelids closed again. He brushed her hair back down. "I'll be back, Lucy," he promised. "I'll be right back."

Scrambling off the floor, he ran into their master bedroom and grabbed his mobile. He crossed back into the bedroom and dropped down beside his wife. His hand rested on her back again. After a few rings, someone picked up. "Kensington Palace now, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. The Duchess has fallen and she's unconscious." It didn't feel like enough information but Harry had no more to give.

Any call was routed through the palace guards, and they would've taken care of the real problem. Harry gave it two minutes before anyone actually showed up. For now, it was just them.

Lucy laid on the floor, with her back up. Her blonde hair fanned out around her. She had her pajama pants on but not her shirt. She wore the bra from last nice, lacy and black. A small pool of her red blood was off to the left side of her. Following it upward, there was the counter, where she must have fallen. That was where she hit her head as she went down. Thankfully there wasn't more blood and thankfully she was alive; this could've killed her. Sprawling out, her legs were straight out, and her arms were crumbled under her like she tried to brace for impact. One of her arms was thrown out and her palm face upward.

Slowly, Harry reached out and took her hand. It was cold.

"Lucy," he said slowly. "Lucy, can you hear me?"

Nothingness hung in the air.

"Please wake up." He kissed her hand. "Please be okay." His fingers wrapped a little more tightly around her hand, the only human touch he could give her. There was a fear of a neck injury to go along with the head injury, and he wouldn't move her body to make it worse. "I'm here, Lucy. I'm here. I'm staying, I promise. I love you. I'm staying." His fingers ran over her skin.

Blue eyes watching her, Harry waited. He waited for to magically wake up. He waited for her to say something. He waited for her to be angry that he was doing something she didn't agree with. He waited. Harry waited for someone else to show, for an ambulance. He waited for someone to show up that knew what they were doing.

With his other hand, he brushed Lucy's blonde hair away from her face. "Lucy," he cooed softly. "Lucy.... Lucy.... Lucy.... Lucy...." He trembled. "Lucy.... Lucy.... Lucy.... Lucy--"

The bathroom door opened as far it could, and a head popped in. It was Tony. With his clean cut and clean shaven look, he looked like he did any day. Even his clothes were perfect today, like any day. And then his eyes were alert, ready to take on any war. His fingers clung to the door frame. He took a whole second to take everything in. He moved into action.

Immediately, he flung himself forward and onto the ground, checking for a pulse. Harry moved away from his wife as the bodyguard very much pushed him back. Tony placed his head to Lucy's mouth and nose, listening to her breath.

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