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I'm backkk! Did you miss me? Ah, it's been so long. Last time you tagged along on my adventure, Sean just asked me out. Well... That was five years ago. That's right. Two years ago he moved to Toronto and we live together in my house. We have been getting along fairly well, of course every relationship has their problems. Like the fact that Sean loves leaving his duty underwear on my bathroom floor! But hey, it could be worse right.

My company is going great as usual. I did a huge video for lady gaga last month. My set is still a hot mess from all the paint and confetti but it's all good, I got people to worry about that for me. Sean's music career is doing good. He wrote this song called "beware" for me and it was number one on the charts. Yea there were some lines I didn't appreciate, like when he said something about cheating once or twice. Not cool dude. But the fact that he took the time to write a whole song for me just makes me love him even More.

As of right now, I'm just focusing on my relationship & my company. My dream has come true so I'm trying to keep it that way. We have date night every month and we do a whole bunch of random crap every once in a while. I can't really explain my relation with Sean. He finishes my sentences when I'm mad, he knows exactly how to kiss me when I'm sad, he knows that he can just kiss behind my ear to get whatever he wants . Our relationship is just.... Lovely.


Decided to give y'all a little sneak peek before I publish the real thing. Come back at eight for the real deal!


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