No way in hell

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Kasey:" um.. Come in"

I slowly walked to the living room. My whole bottom half was in pain thanks to Sean. I sat in the living room with Jacob while Sean went to the kitchen

Kasey:" so what's going on?"

Jacob:" I know its kinda weird and awkward but I need a favor.."

Kasey:" yea, what's up?"

Jacob:" well um, I lost my place so I was wondering if I could stay here for a week or two.."

I was totally shocked, dismayed, confused. My thoughts were interrupted by Sean yelling

Sean:" HELL NO!"

Kasey:" Sean!"

He came storming in looking pissed as hell " there's no way in hell he's staying in here with you!"

Kasey:" you'll be here too!"

Sean:" you get home way earlier then me, no Kasey!"

Jacob:" hey it's cool, I understand"

Sean:" see ya! "

Kasey:" stop! "

Jacob:" bye"

Kasey:" wait!" He closed the door and left " look what you did"

Sean:" I didn't do anything... I'll allow him to a point. Asking to stay here is crossing the line! Like I said, I don't trust him"

Kasey:" but what if you had no where to stay! Wouldn't you want someone to take you in?" He stared at me blankly for a while " see! "

Sean:" I still don't want him in HERE! Can he stay in the pool house?"

Kasey:" Sean!"

Sean:" take it or leave it!"

Kasey:" not even for a week?"

Sean:"..... I'll think about it."

Kasey:" thank you"

Sean:" can we get back to making love now please"

Kasey:" no, my legs are killing me!"

Sean:" that's the point!

Kasey:" no sean, I'm in pain!"

Sean:" fine."

He put me on his back and brought me upstairs. I got under the covers and layed down. I felt sean wrap his arms around my waist and snuggle up behind me.

Sean:" I was so close to making you moan."

Kasey:" whatever "

I couple minutes later, we were fast asleep.


It got in my car and just sat there

Jacob:" FUCK!" I punched the steering wheel repeatedly. I had no where to go and my plan wasn't working! I was gonna get what I wanted whether Sean liked itor not. The only reason why I haven't best his ass yet is because of kasey.

I started up the car and drove to the closest hotel I could find. I payed for the room and went up the elevator. I unlocked the door and threw my bag on the floor. I went to the washroom and stared at myself in the mirror " your gonna get what you want, no matter what it takes..."


I couldn't sleep at all. I kept thinking about that prick asking to stay here. I have a very strong feeling he's up to something but at the same time, I would want someone to let me stay at their my place if I needed it. Kasey suddenly kicked me in the shin. "AAHHH" I bawled out. She just continued sleeping. Jeez she can kick hard. After a while, my decision was clear. I tried to wake her but she wouldn't budge. I knew exactly what to do. I started kissing behind her ear and she automatically started moving around. I continued to kiss her ear and a moan escaped her mouth. She suddenly jumped up.

Kasey:" what are you doin?" She rubbed her eyes

Sean:" I was thinking.."

Kasey:" I don't care! I'm tired!" She turned over and put the covers over her head

Sean:" oh so I guess you don't care that I'll let your dumb ass friend stay for a week" she jumped up

Kasey:" really!... And that's not nice!"

Sean:" aha, yea... But a week, and a week only! Okay?"

Kasey:" hurray! Thanks baby!"

Sean:" yea yea yea, see what I do for you!?"

Kasey:" mmmhh" she gave me a kiss and of course I kissed back. We soon started making out

Sean:" your legs still hurting?"

Kasey:" no, I don't think so" she smiled as I slowly got on top of her

Sean:" you sure?"

Kasey:" yea" she bit her lip

Sean:" okaaayyy" I kissed her passionately and then all over her body. Next I took off her shirt.

There no way in hell I'm letting her get off this time!...

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