In time

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It's been about two weeks since the fight. I asked JS to find somewhere else to stay cause he clearly isn't safe here. Jacob is kinda stuck at my place because no flights are aloud in or out for some reason. But I'm still not talking to them. I've been walking past them as if they weren't even there, it's actually really fun! I was in my room when Sean came bursting in

Sean:" okay this is getting out of hand kase! I haven't slept with you in two weeks! I'm tired of going to bed alone! Why are you even still mad at us! You told him to leave! Like this isn't fair! If I talk to you, you walk away. If I hug you, you pull away. If I try to kiss you, you duck! Are you even listening to me!?"

Kasey:" ....sorry, what?"

Sean:" so you mean this whole time you were ignoring me! Fine your mad, but at least listen to what I'm saying! I'm so sick and- why are you laying there with that smirk on your face!"

Kasey:" did you hear what you just said?"

Sean:" I said you don't listen!- ohhhh"

Kasey:" yea, now you know how it feels!"

Sean:" okay, I get it. Can you just forgive me so I can come back to bed!" He mad a sad face

Kasey:" do you understand how it makes me feel when you don't listen to me?"

Sean:" yea, I totally get it now!"

Kasey:" alright, I forgive you"

Sean:" thank you!!!" He got on top of me and kissed all over me body

Kasey:" okay, that's enough"

Sean:" oh come on, no make up sex" he kissed my thigh

Kasey:" no, I can't"

Sean:" you can't!?" He looked at me with a confused face

Kasey:" I mean, I'm not in the mood.."

Sean:" you've been acting really weird for the past month.. Are you okay?" He sat up

Kasey:" yea, I'm fine" I smiled

Sean:" Kasey.." He looked at me in all seriousness

Kasey:" I'm okay, I promise!"

Sean:" okaaayyy, call me if you need anything"

Kasey:" okay"


Another month past. Jacob went back home so now it's just me and kasey again. She's hiding something from me but I can't put my finger on it. She's been throwing up like crazy, she can't sleep at night, she's eating something every two hours which actually isn't new but the other stuff isn't right. The worst part is she doesn't wanna have sex, at all! Usually, I just have to start kissing behind her ear and it's not working! I don't know what's going on

She came and laid beside me " this is the fifth time I've threw up in three hours"

Sean:" are you sure you don't wanna-"

Kasey:" NO! I don't need to see the doctor, I'm fine!"

Sean:" your really not! You've thrown up like 20 times this week, you gotta go!"

Kasey:" Sean, I'm fine!"

Sean:" I'm just looking out for you."

Kasey:" I know, and I love you for that. But I'm okay, just sick"

Sean:" right"

Kasey:" ... And here comes the sixth" she ran to the bathroom and closed the door. I got up to go rub her back but I heard her on the phone

Kasey:" hello?..... Hey it's Kasey..... Yea, I've been throwing up like crazy!..... Positive!? Are you sure!..... A month and a half!? That's not possible.......... Can you check again?....... Positive aye...... Thanks." She hung up.

I burst in " what's positive Kasey?"

She looked startled " what?"

Sean:" what's positive!?"

Kasey:" nothing?... Why are you listening to my conversation?"

Sean:" no no no, don't try to avoid the topic!" I was getting mad " you've been acting weird ass hell for the past month. You throw up all the time, you don't sleep, your eating 24/7 and you don't wanna have sex at all!"

Kasey:" ... What's your point? ....Can you help me up"

Sean:" ugh, why can't you just tell me?" I helped her up

Kasey:" because there's nothing to tell!"

Sean:" look at me and say your not hiding anything from me!" She looked at me for a while. She opened her mouth then looked away " that's what I thought..."

Kasey:" Sean I wanna tell you but I can't.."

Sean:" you can, you just don't want to!"

Kasey:" I promise, I'll tell you when the time is right!"

Sean:" and when will that be?"

Kasey:" probably when I can't hide it anymore" she laughed

Sean:" I'm not joking, I wanna know!"

Kasey:" I'm sorry... I just can't"

Sean:" whatever.."

I walked out the room. I need some space .....


Well then!! This

is getting juicy!

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