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That night everyone went home and me & kase started cleaning up. It's so funny to see her bend down with her pregnant self. After a while, I helped her upstairs and ran a shower for her. I went back down stairs and continued cleaning until I got a phone call. It was an unknown number.

Sean:" hello?"

??:" aye this sean micheals?"

Sean:" why?"

??:" well if it is. I'm just calling to let you know to watch yo baby moma's back cause she ain't safe, and were coming for that ass once she has that baby. But if this isn't sean micheals... Then sorry, wrong number."

Sean:" aha, yea bro. Wrong number. Good luck getting that chick tho"

??:" haha, thanks man. Have a good night"

Sean:" yea, you too" we both hung up.

I was mad as hell. Why would someone be after Kasey? Escpically knowing she's pregnant!? That's a real douche move. I can't see why anyone would- I froze. That's when it clicked. I ran upstairs to our bedroom. Kasey was laying on the bed eating a whole bunch of candy

Sean:" give me that!"

Kasey:" no, please!! Why do you keep taking my candy!" She pouted

Sean:" cause your pregnant!!" I took all her candy and threw it on the floor

Kasey:" meanie!"

Sean:" yea yea listen. Why was JS over?"

Her dull expression turned into a worried one

Sean:" Kasey?"

Kasey:" okay okay. He came talking bout he wants us to get back together and I said it was too late cause well... I'm pregnant! And then he basically said he's gonna get me some how, even if it's for a night and shit." She said plainly

Sean:" um... Kasey. Don't start spazzing and shit but... He wasn't joking."

Kasey:" what do you mean?" She sat up, rubbing her stomach

Sean:" well... I just got this call and the guy said that someone's coming for you after you have the baby..."

Kasey:" and you believe that shit? It's probably Jacob or Adrian messing with you"

Sean:" maybe Jacob, but I don't see Adrian doing that.."

Kasey:" look. It doesn't matter who did it. Nothing going to happen... Don't worry, okay?"

Sean:" alright.." I lightly laid my head on her chest

Kasey:" Sean."

Sean:" yea?"

Kasey:" can you get me a burger from Burger King please?"

Sean:" ugh, this is your last one for the week aye!" I said getting up

Kasey:" you said that yesterday!"

Sean:" I mean it this time!" I closed the door behind and made my way to Burger King. She's lucky she pregnant!


The next morning I woke up and immediately felt like throwing up. I waddled to the bathroom as fast as I could and just let it all out. After a few minutes I felt sean rubbing my back

Sean:" you okay?" He said sleepily

Kasey:" yea.." I brushed my teeth and sat on the bathroom floor. Sean sat next to me

Sean:" you look so worried.."

Kasey:" I was thinking about the call you got last night.."

Sean:" *sigh* look I don't know what kind of phyco's you dated in the past!" I laughed " but I'm gonna keep you safe! That's a promise."

Kasey:" I love you sean" we shared a passionate kiss

Sean:" I love you too" he said as he rubbed his thumb against my cheek

Kasey:" help me up"

He helped me up and I went to my closet. I struggled to put on a pair of blue jeans and one of Sean's gray Detroit sweaters with a pair of brown polo winter boots. I put my hair into a high ponytail and went to the kitchen.

Sean:" aye, where you going?"

Kasey:" honestly, I don't know.." I said while putting on my jacket

Sean:" well your not going by yourself then... We still haven't got the baby a crib yet!"

Kasey:" that's because you haven't cleared out the biggest guest room yet!"

Sean:" okay, if we get the crib today, I'll clear out the room tomorrow"

Kasey:" and paint it!"

Sean:" you want me to clear out that heavy ass bed AND paint it!? Then your gonna make me put the crib together!"

Kasey:" hey, you did this, not me!" I said pointing to my stomach

Sean:" whatever, come one"

Sean helped me into the car and drove to this place called babies and things. After an hour of me and him fighting in the store, we finally agreed on this beautiful white sleigh bed crib. We got a baby bath, bottles, blankets, and some pillows.

Sean:" is that it?"

Kasey:" I wanna get clothes"

Sean:"we can't do that yet, we don't know if it's a girl or boy"

Kasey:" boo, let's just pay for this"

We walked up to the counter with all our stuff

Cashier:" is that it sir?"

He looked at me up and down " mmhhhh" I laughed

Cashier:" that'll be $1,234 please"

Sean:" see what I do for you!" He said swiping his card

Kasey:" this is for your child, not me!"

Sean:" yea yea, take the bags and I'll grab the box"

Kasey:" you were gonna take the box either way!" I said as I walked out the door with the bags

Sean:" wow!" He said lifting the box

Cashier:" have a good day, and congrats on your baby!" She smiled

Kasey:" thank you!"

We packed everything in the car and drove off

Kasey:"..... I'm hungry"

Sean:" oh god, what do you want?"

Kasey:"..... Chinese!"

Sean:" coming right up fatty"

Kasey:" shut up!"

He made a u-turn and continued driving. I can't wait till I have this baby!


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