You don't understand

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Kasey's pov

I actually had a good time with Jacob. We we stayed up till 2:00 in the morning just talking. I hate to admit it but I forgot how much I missed him. There's just something about him. But it doesn't even matter cause I'm with Sean now.

Jacob:" I had a great time tonight"

Kasey:" me too "

Jacob: " can I have a hug if you don't mind?"

I was reluctant but I gave him a hug anyway. Man, it felt so good to be in his arms again. A part of me didn't wanna let go.

Kasey:" I'll see you later"

Jacob: " alright, night"

Kasey: " night"

I locked the door and headed up stairs. I quietly opened the bedroom door and changed into my pj's then went to bed.

Sean:" what took you so long"

Kasey:" shit I thought you were sleeping!"

Sean:" why?"

Kasey: " well cause it's 2:00 in the morning... What's wrong with you?"

Sean:" nothing... Just don't like nor trust that guy"

Kasey:" are we really doing this right now!"

Sean:" yes we are!" He sat up " I don't want you around him"

Kasey:" I love you sean, I respect what your saying but your not my mom! I can do whatever I want! Your acting like I'm cheating on you god damn, relax!"

Sean:" you don't understand Kasey. Guys do this shit. They try to get you back and screw up your life. They'll do anything to get you, even if it's just for the night. He wants you, why don't you see that!?"

Maybe sean was right , but I didn't really care. I just wanted to go to bed

Kasey:" can we talk about this in the morning, I'm really not in the mood.."

Sean:" whatever" he turned the other way

Kasey:" so your not gonna cuddle with me?"

Sean:" I'm not in the mood" he mocked

Kasey:" not funny, come here"

He turned around and I layed on his chest " I just don't wanna see you get hurt or lose you"

Kasey:" *sigh* I know.."

Sean's pov

I woke up with Kasey fast asleep on my chest. I gently got up from under her and layed her back down. I'm still kinda mad at her but She's so cute when she's sleeping. I went down to the kitchen.

Sean: "morning"

Ramono: " morning. What do you want for breakfast"

Sean:" I don't know, wait for the queen"

Ramono:" what happen?"

Sean:" yesterday she brought Jacob over.."

Ramono:" oh I hate that kid!"

Sean:" right! Anyway I told her to keep her distance and she basically shut me down"

Ramono:" I've known Kasey for a very long time. She's not gonna listen to you... Just let her see for herself"

Sean:" why!? Then she's going to come crying to me!"

Ramono:" if you love her then you'll let her.."

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