Two against one

127 4 1

Okay, just to let you know JS stands for Jacob smith, Kasey's ex.


I haven't seen Kasey in forever so I decided to go surprise her. I knocked on the door and waited. A couple seconds later, the door slowly opened

Kasey:" Jacob!!"

Jacob:" what's good ma " I gave her a big hug

Kasey:" I was going to call you actually" she let go

Jacob:" sure! " I closed the door and dropped my bags

Kasey:" I was! Ask Sean. Are you staying a week again?"

Jacob:" of course, a day isn't enough for me."

Kasey:" awe, I missed you!"

Jacob:" I missed you too.. How are you girl! I haven't seen you-" I looked up at the stairs and totally went crazy. I dragged him down the steps and punched him dead in the face. Kasey tried to pull me off but I wouldn't let go, I kept feeding his face. Out of nowhere, I felt a stronger force pull me off and we both fell.

Jacob:" why the fuck is he here!?"

Kasey:" he has no where to go! Why the hell did you do that!" I was breathing heavily

Sean:" calm down! Kasey.. You let him fight em but not me!"

Jacob:"oh Sean, what's up!" I said out of breathe

Sean:" oh just chilling, how bout you?"

Jacob:" nothing really, just finished knocking this dumb ass out..."

Kasey:" that's not even funny! Are you okay?" She helped him up

JS:" I'm fine!" He looked at the blood on his shirt

Sean:" I wanna punch him!" We both got up

Kasey:" no! "

JS:" naw, let him. I've been wanting to kick his ass!"

Sean turned to Kasey " you heard that right!?"

Kasey:" yes but-"

Before she could finish, Sean jumped on Jacob and started punched him in his face. Sean was punching him for for so long that he stopped moving and he was bleeding like crazy!

Kasey:" sean stop! He's not even moving!" She tried to pull Jacob away

Sean:" nope.. He asked for it!"

He started kicking him in his stomach and head! That's when my and Kasey had to dragg him off

Kasey:" are you fucking crazy!?"

Sean:" I told you, I don't want him in my house!"

Kasey:" my house!"

Sean:" whatever!!" He wiped the blood on his hands off on his shirt

Jacob:" bro.. Remind me never to fight with you!"

Sean:" haha, okay"

Kasey:" can someone call the ambulance please!" She massaged Jacob's head

Jacob:" ewe, why?"

Kasey:" he's unconscious!"

Sean:" shit, I beat him up that bad!?

Kasey:" yes dumb ass! Now go call!"

Sean:" alright, dang"


About 20 minutes later, the ambulance came and took him away. Now I'm getting ready to go meet him at the hospital and I'm not talking to neither of the guys. I walked out of my closet and seen Sean putting on a new shirt

Sean:" you ready" I didn't answer " oh so your mad at me?"

Kasey:" that's the dumbest fucking question ever!"

Sean:" sorry kase, but he asked for it. You heard him!"

Kasey:" it doesn't matter, you didn't have to beat him up that bad!"

Sean:" once I'm in the zone, I don't stop. You should know that already" he smirked

Kasey:" this isn't the time for one of your corny sex jokes. Hurry up or I'm leaving"

Sean:" fine but-" I walked out the room before he could say anything else. I was walking down the stairs when Jacob passed

Jacob:" hey kase I-"

Kasey:" nope!" I slammed the door before he could finish. I'm not in the mood for neither of them. I texted them saying they had five minutes to get in the car or I'm leaving.

After four minutes hit, I started up the car. I then seen Jacob running towards the car and Sean locking the front door.

Jacob:" were you actually gonna leave us!" He said out of breathe

Kasey:" yea, your lucky"

Sean:" let's just get this over with" he said closing the door

Kasey:" whatever" I opened the gate and drove off


Kasey's really pissed off. The whole ride she ignored me & Jacob like we weren't even there. We just got to the hospital and are waiting to hear from the doctor.
Kase won't even sit with us. She sat at least six chairs away and scrolled through her phone. I was about to go sit with her till a doctor came up to me

Doc:" are you here for Jacob smith?"

Sean:" ppft no! She is..." She gave me a death glare and went up to him

Doc:" hi I'm doctor Daniels" they shook hands

Kasey:" Kasey... Is he going to be okay?"

Doc:" he should be.. Mild concussion, a few stitches and a sprained finger. Should be fine though"

Kasey:" can we go see him?"

Doc:" we?"

Kasey:" me and these two idiots.."

Doc:" oh haha, go ahead. Room 2534

Kasey:" thank you" him and Kasey walked away.

Jacob:" I'm not going in there aye"

Sean:" ppft, me neither!"

I seen Kasey walk back towards us

Jacob leaned over to me "still keeping your ground?"

Sean:" hell yea!"

Kasey:" get your ass's up now!"

Sean:" but I don't-"

Kasey:" GET UP!" She yelled

Sean:" okay okay.."

We got up and walked behind her

Jacob:" thought you were keeping your ground!" He whispered

Sean:" did you forget she has anger issues!? I ain't tryna get her mad!"

Jacob:" punk.."

Sean:" what?"

Jacob" nothing .."

We walked in the room and saw him laying down, looking all lifeless and shit. I actually felt kinda bad when I seen all those wires attached to him but still, he asked for it. None of this woulda happen if... I said yes to letting him stay. Wow, it's kinda my falt.....What am I saying, it's his dumb ass fault, NOT mine!

Kasey:" Jacob?"

Jacob:" yea?"

Kasey:" not you dumb ass!"

Jacob:" sorry.."

A couple minutes late JS opened his eyes. When he seen me and Jacob, he started to snap!

JS:" why the hell are they in here, get the hell out my fucking room! I'll fucking kill you two!"

Kasey:" calm down! They-"

JS:" how the fuck you telling my to calm down! You let your frigin boyfriend and Mexican Afro puff over there beat me up!"

Sean:" bro... If you don't wanna get beat up again, I suggest you stop talking to her like that!"

Jacob:" Afro puff? That doesn't even make sense!"

JS:" fuck you!"

Kasey:" All of you shut the FUCK up!" I could tell she was getting mad cause her lip was twitching. When she does that, people usually clear the room " they came to apologize!"

Jacob&Sean:" WHAT!?"

Kasey:" you came to apologize!" She gave us that look that said shut up and do it

Sean:" fine, I'm sorry I beat the shit out of you" she hit me at the back of my head really hard "owe!"

Kasey:" I'm not in the mood! Just fucking say sorry!"

Seam:" okay, I'm sorry for beating you up this bad.. Even though you asked for it"

Kasey:" Sean!"

Sean:" what!?"

Jacob:" Aye, I'm sorry for punching you... Repeatedly" he smirked

JS:" whatever, it's fine"

Sean:" great, can we go now!"

Kasey:" fine" she turned to JS " call me if you need anything okay?"

JS:" yea"

We walked out the room and me and Jacob's head both jolted forward at the same time. This chick hit me.. Again!

Jacob:" okay what was that for?" He said rubbing his head

Kasey:" for being stupid! Why would you do that!?"

Jacob:" what do you mean why did I do that!? Remember that day I asked you why you guys broke up and you just started to bawl? THATS why I did it! I've never seen you cry like that, ever!"

Sean:" when was this?"

Jacob:" ppft, you weren't even I thought when this happened"

Sean:" ouch.."

Jacob:" you know what I mean"

Kasey:" that doesn't mean you just walk up to him and punch him square in the face!"

Jacob"... It does to me!"

Kasey:" whatever, I wanna go home please" she threw the keys at me and walked towards the exit " oh yea" she turned back around " don't even bother coming to bed, sleep in the guest room or something" she turned back around and walked away

Sean:" but-"

Kasey:" save it!" She yelled

Jacob:" damn... She's really pissed"

Sean:" tell me about it!"


VERY long chapter! Everyone got their revenge on Jacob smith, hurray! As for Sean and Kasey? I have a feeling she's not gonna let him off easy this time. He beat him up pretty bad! But, I think we all know that's not gonna stop smith from getting what he wants!
Tell me what cha think!


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