Time flies

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I'm now four months pregnant And my little stomach is showing. I haven't been throwing up as much but I'm still having a hard time sleeping. Except now I eat all the time. Today me and Sean are having a big party to tell everyone I'm pregnant. His family from Detroit are flying over and my family is driving down from Mississauga

No ones knows I'm pregnant yet so I can't wait to see their faces. I'm wearing a blue pair of skinny jeans, a pink plain t and a white blazer with a pair of jays. Nothing special, I am pregnant after all.

I was just about to go down the stairs when Sean pulled me back

Sean:" aye, don't go down yet. Everyone's here! Wait till I call you."

Kasey:" and when will that be?"

Sean:" five minutes. See you guys soon"

he kissed my stomach and ran down the stairs. I was waiting by the steps when I heard everyone yelling at Sean by the steps while he tried to calm them down. It was so funny.

Sean:" okay okay! Calm down! Listen. Me and Kasey brought everyone over because we have something very important to tell y'all"

" where's my baby anyway!" My grandma Stacie yelled

Sean:" she's coming!"

" what's this important thing you flew me all the way from Detroit for!?" Sean's mom, Tiffany called out

Sean:" oh lord, just come down stairs kase.."

I slowly walked down the stairs and watched how everyone's expression changed to excitement

Kasey:" I'm pregnant!" Everyone started cheering

Theresa:" oh my gosh! I'm gonna have a grand baby!" She hugged me tightly

Kasey:" ah... Hurting a pregnant lady here!"

Theresa:" sorry. I'm so proud of you two!" She kissed Sean's head " how far along are you?"

Kasey:" four months" I smiled

Theresa:" awe, congratulations guys" she hugged use and walked away

Jacob:" I knew you were pregnant all along" he said walking towards use

Sean:" oh really?"

Jacob:" yupe!"

Kasey:" how far along am I ?"

Jacob:" um... Two months?"

Sean:" errrr. Wrong answer!"

Jacob:" yea yea yea. Congrats guys"

Kasey:" thank you jakey" we hugged and then he walked away

I was walking towards the kitchen I was hugged from behind. Jayla.

Jayla:" omg! I'm so happy for you! No wonder why you've been hiding from me"

Kasey:" haha, yea.."

Jayla:" your finally gonna be a mommy!"

Kasey:" I know. You don't even understand how happy I am!"

Jayla:" awe, congrats baby girl!"

Kasey:" thanks" I continued walking to the kitchen and got a tube of cookie and cream ice cream from the freezer. I went out into the back yard and watched my cousins skating around in the pool. For a winter day, it was fairly nice out.

I watch one of Sean's cousins, Trina walk towards me and sit down.

Trina:" eating ice cream.. During winter.. Outside.. With no jacket? I never knew pregnant people did that"

Kasey:" well, I'm no regular pregnant person Trina" I laughed

Trina:" congrats on the baby by the way "

Kasey:" thanks Hun"

Trina:" do you know what your gonna name it?"

Kasey:" umm-"

??:" hey.."

Me and Trina both turned around to see JS standing awkwardly.

Trina:" umm, I'll see you later k... And get a jacket!" She got up and walked away

Kasey:" yes ma'am!"

JS:" do you want me to get you a jacket?" He said sitting down

Kasey:" I'm fine... How did you get in here?"

JS:" security let me in.."

Kasey:" huh, security needs to get fired" I mumbled

JS:" finally pregnant aye"

Kasey:" that's what it looks like"

JS:" congrats.."

Kasey:" thanks... I don't mean to be rude but, what are you doing here. All my family is over and if they recognize you, there gonna kick your ass"

JS:" I know I know... I just wanted to tell you that I'm still in love with you. I think we both know that that baby should've been mine, not his. I know you think about us, about how our life was... I want us to be together again

Kasey:" that's flattering and all but.. It's a little to late" I said rubbing my stomach

JS:" alright... Just remember this. I'll get you back somehow, even if it's just for the night" he smirked

I was beyond pissed " get out of my house."

He smirked and walked away. Who says something like that! Even if it's just for the night? The fuck!? First I gotta worry about preparing for this baby, now I gotta worry about this creeper! I gotta make sure that guy stays away from me and my baby. My thoughts were interrupted by Sean shaking me

Kasey:" what?"

Sean:" did you open the gate?"

Kasey:" no, security did"

Sean:" why? Everyone's here"

Kasey:" ah long story, I'll tell you later"

Sean:" alright. Come inside please, it's getting cold. You guys too, everyone inside!!" He yelled

Trina:" you suck Sean!" She said walking towards the house

Sean:" if your ass wants to get sick then stay out here!" She continued walking " that's what I thought! Come on baby" he helped me up and brought me inside.

For the rest of the night. We stayed inside and played games. Hot chocolate all around with chocolate chip cookies. We watched movies and even played hid and seek. Of course I lost. Two big happy families joined together as one to celebrate the life of a soon to be.

Dear lord. Thank you for finally giving me the blessing of a child. I can't thank you enough. Amen...


JS is getting creepy!! But I'm happy for Kasey & Sean. Vote and comment!!!

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