Make up or break up

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When we got to the hotel, Sean gave kailyn and himself a shower and went to bed. I took a nice long shower and quietly laid down beside him.

I stared at kailyn on the bed across from us for at least half an hour.

Kasey:" Sean?"

Sean:" what?"

Kasey:" Why did you spaze on my earlier?"

He turned towards me " you really wanna know!"

Kasey:" no, I just feel like saying random shit.."

Sean:" I got mad because I am tired of you not being able to make up your frigin mind! I asked you this morning and you say yes, I ask you at the park you say no. I'm actually sick of your your bull! I've been with you for seven fucking year Kasey! If you don't wanna marry me now then our time together has been a waste!!"

Kasey:" so your saying me carrying our child was a big waste?"

Sean:" don't bring kailyn into this kas-" he said sitting up

Kasey:" why not? You said this seven years has been a waste, she's part of the seven years!"

Sean:" can you just answer one fucking question.. Honestly!?"

Kasey:" what!?"

Sean:" why don't you wanna marry me? Am I doing something wrong? Am I not showing you not enough affection? What? I don't get it!"

Kasey:" no no, it's none of that.."

Sean:" than what Kasey? What am I doing wrong!?"

Kasey:" IM SCARED!!

Sean:" of what!?"

Kasey:" getting hurt! I've been hurt so many times sean!" I felt the tears streaming down my eyes " If I get hurt one more time I don't know what I'm gonna do.."

He signed " come here" I laid my head on his chest as he rubbed my shoulders " first of all, I'm sorry for getting mad at you. I was just kinda pissed off about the incomplete answers. And two, I'll never ever hurt you! I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did. I'm not gonna hurt you ever okay?"

Kasey:" ..okay" I said wiping away the tears

Sean:" I love you?"

Kasey:" I love you too"


The next morning we started packing away a few things, were leaving tomorrow afternoon. I think coming back to Detroit really helped clear my mind and focus on what I want. I AM going to marry Kasey when we get back, wether she likes it or not.

Kasey:" I kind of don't wanna leave.."

Sean:" neither do I, but I miss my video games "

Kasey:" wow.. "

Sean:" what?"

Kailyn:" moommmyy!!" She said running out of the bathroom

Kasey:" yea?"

Kailyn:" I wanna go swimming!"

Kasey:" swimming?"

Sean:" swimming!"

Kasey:" no!"

Sean:" yea, why not!?

Kasey:" I don't just don't feel like it.."

Sean:" oh come on.. I haven't seen you in a bikini in a long time" I said hugging her waist

Kasey:" stop. You've seen me naked, don't you think that's better?"

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