lets go

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the next morning I got me and kailyn ready and went straight to my lawyers office, before Sean woke up. I really wasn't in the mood for all his damn questions. I parked up the car and got kailyn out the car, making my way into the office.

??:" hi, how may I help you?"

kasey:" hi, I'm looking for Daniel?"

??:" go straight and turn right. first office you see" she smiled

kasey:" thanks"

I followed her instructions and seen Daniel sitting at his desk. I knocked on the door and he looked up and smiled

Daniel:" come in" I put kailyn on the chair beside me and sat on the other." she's to die for"

kasey:" thank you!"

Daniel:" so, what brings you here today"

kasey:" yesterday someone got in the house while my boyfriend was in the shower.."

Daniel:" and did what?"

kasey:" they wrote a threat on the mirror!"

Daniel:" saying?"

kasey:" basically they still want something from me, and they don't care what the papers say."

Daniel:" wow, did you take a picture?"

kasey:" noo"

Daniel:" did your alarm go off?"

kasey:" no.." I thought

Daniel:" well I'm sorry kasey, but I cant do anything!"

kasey:" what do you mean you CANT do anything?!"

Daniel:" the papers clearly say that if there's no proof, then nothing can be done! the most I can do is have him come and make a statement for further problems.. you did tell your boyfriend  that you filed a restraining order on him, right? I sat quietly " your joking right?"

kasey:" I just haven't got to it.."

Daniel:" well you better before its too late! its not just you anymore, you have a child's safety to think about.."

I sighed " alright, ill tell him when I get home"

Daniel:" good! drive safe"

kasey:" thanks.."


I woke up two hours ago and the girls were gone so I decided to surprise kase and clean up a little. first I cleaned the kitchen and living room then kaiyln's room. lastly I cleaned our room. I vacuumed the carpet, mopped the bathroom, cleaned the sink and tub. then I took all the sheets off the bed and put on fresh ones. as I lifted up the mattress, a big orange envelope fell to the floor.

 I picked it up and opened it as I sat on the bed. the first paper read restraining order and a whole bunch of rules. the next paper talked about what happen if the rules were broken. the other read court orders. the last paper really pissed my off. it was the complete restraining order with two signatures at the bottom; Kasey Cameron and Justin Smith, June 7th. She had this for at least a month and she didn't tell me! and that day when I seen her with it she lied! I grabbed the pillow off the bed and threw it across the room. how could she hide something his big from me? just then I heard the alarm go off. kasey. I grabbed the letter and ran down stairs. I went in the kitchen and watched as she sat kailyn on the counter. she turned around and jumped

kasey:" hey baby" I didn't answer. she looked at me as if I were crazy an then looked down at my hand " what's that?"

Sean:" really? cause I was about to ask you the same thing!"

kasey" no really, what is it!"

Sean:" let me help refresh your memory. so I woke up and seen that you guys were gone. so I decided to clean up for you. so I was cleaning and everything and when I got to our bed. and when I lifted up the mattress to remove the sheet, this fell out! do you remember now kasey?"

her face was dull " Sean I-"

Sean:" I what? how could you keep this away from me! a frigin restraining order kasey!"

kasey:" I was going to tell you today Sean, I swear!"

Sean:" why now, because I found out!?"

kasey:" because of what happened yesterday!"

Sean:" so these are the papers the threat was pertaining to! so I could be dead right now and have no idea why some one would kill me!!"

kasey:" whoa, they want me! not you.. I don't even know why they want me in the first place, that's why I got it!

Sean:" how do I know your not lying!"

kasey:" really, these are peoples lives were talking about. im not lying!"

Sean:' you didn't care about peoples lives but yours when you got this and didn't tell me!"

kasey:" clearly you didn't read it properly cause it says me or anybody I know!"

Sean:" I cant believe you kasey. this is the most fucked up thing you've done in the five years we've been together.."

kasey:' what do you want me to do?" she said teary eyed

Sean:" I- I just need to be alone. and you can forget about date night tomorrow.." I picked up kailyn and went into one of the guest room. I could hear kasey crying from upstairs but zoned her out as I played with kailyn. she wasn't crying when she hid this from me so why cry now...


damn, Sean a'int having it! who's wrong, who's right, you tell me! yes she should have told him earlier BUT don't  you think he's kind of over exaggerating , just a little? but hey that's just me.. comment and vote up!


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