I'm wrong, you're right

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I sat in the pool house as "bitch don't kill my vibe" blasted around me on repeat. I don't know why, but the instrumental gets me everyone. So peaceful, like there's not a care in the world, nothing to ruin your day. I think that's why I chose this song, it's uplifting.. Except it's failing right now. Sean hates my guts, he keeps kailyn away from me, I never knew dreams could blow up in your face like this.

I changed the song to drunk in love, it fit my mood more. How could everything go to perfect to bad, with the blink of my eye? Was i being punished for something i was unaware of? did i do something reall, really bad before, did i say something mean to someone with realizing? whatever i did, i APOLOGIZE!! i just want all my good luck to come back. suddenly i heard someone pounding the door. i slowly got up and opened it, revealing sean and kailyn. i turned away and sat on the couch. 

sean:" hey..'

kasey:"...your actually talking to me?"

sean:" yea.. and i think its important  we talk" he laid kailyn on the couch and sat beside me 

kasey:" i really dont wanna talk.." i said turning away 

he held my chin and tuned my head towards him. he stared deep into my eyes:' then listen... im sorry for being asshole of the month."

kasey:"... what?" i squinted 

sean:" im sorry for being an ass. i treated you like crap and all you were trying to do was protect us, and you scared for the safety of our child, and i see that now... my friend calls that being asshole of the month, but thats a different story. I had you sleeping alone and keeping kailyn away from you for two weeks because i was too ignorant to realize what you were trying to do.. im so so so sorry kasey."

at this point i was crying. the only thing i could do was hug him. " im sorry too" i whispered 

sean:" dont be, i took it too far... i love you kasey"

kasey:" i love you too, sean"

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