Do what you want

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I sat and watched everyone having a good time at the party. Kids running around, drinks flowing, food galore, dessert tables. A party any kid would dream of in the pent house of a beautiful hotel. Only problem was, I wasn't having a good time.

Jayla:" hey girlfriend "

Kasey:" hey.."

Jayla:" you did a really good job, this party is amazing!"

Kasey:" I'm glad you think so.."

Jayla:"... Okay, why the sad face?"

Kasey:" Sean and I, nothing unusual "

Jayla:" I was wondering why he was allllll the way over there " she laughed

Kasey:" shut up jayla" I smiled

Jayla:" then get your big booty up, and at least try to have a good time. Besides, people are starting to think something's up"

Kasey:" cause something is up!" I said standing

Jayla:" well don't let them think so! Now, come have some fun!"

Kasey:" alright, fine "

I walked around and greeted everyone, actually starting to feel a bit better. If everyone else could have a good time, why couldn't I?

I walked over to Jacob, lead him to the dance floor and started dancing with him. Doing the bump, grinding on him, body rolling on each other. I could see Sean staring in the corner of my eye but I could care less. I was having fun! The song finished and we hugged each other

Jacob:" hello to you too" he laughed

Kasey:" hey, thanks for coming "

Jacob:" oh please, like I would miss Kailyn's birthday"

Kasey:" I know.."

Jacob:" aye, I think Sean's  planning to kill my ass! He's been glaring at me "

I laughed " just ignore him, we're not talking right now "

Jacob:" so that's why you were all over this!" He popped his collar

??:" then why are you all over her?" Said the angry female voice

I turned around and saw a very pissed off Hispanic girl with long , straight black hair, beautiful hazel eyes and a cute little mole near her lip

Jacob:" oh Amelia, this is my best friend Kasey. Kasey, my girlfriend Amelia "

Kasey:" nice to meet, sorry about.. That" I shook her hand

She shook back " nice to meet you too. I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was you, Jacob has told me a lot about you."

Kasey:" that's sweet. Well I should go.. Nice meeting you "

Amelia:" same here" she smiled

I winked at Jacob in approval and walked away.

The party continued and It was great! We cut the cake, she opened her presents, more food, entertainment, and more dancing. Im certain that everyone had a great time. I didn't talk to Sean once but I could care less, I still had fun.

After the party we went to Theresa's house and chilled out. My feet were on fire! After an hour I was on the couch trying not to fall alseep with kailyn already sleeping in my arms.

Sean:" I think it's time to go "

Theresa:" awe, why?"

Sean:" Kasey's falling asleep and kailyn already is"

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