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I haven't slept properly in weeks! Sean's still kinda mad that I won't tell him why I'm sick but he's still taking care of me. I've thrown up at least ten times today and haven't ate at all. I got up and went downstairs to the kitchen

Ramono:" hey sleepy head"

Kasey:" shut up" I sat

Ramono:" what do you want for dinner?"

Kasey:" ask sean, i can't eat"

Ramono:" what's wrong?"

Kasey:" if I eat, I'll just throw it up"

Ramono:" are -"

Kasey:" say it and your fired!"

Ramono:" my lips are sealed!" Just then sean came in

Sean:" aye, what you making?"

Ramono:" what do you want?"

Sean:" mash potatoes & ribs!"

Ramono:" alright, gotta go to the store"

I went into the living room and laid on the floor. If I sat up, I would start feeling dizzy. I laid there and just stared at the ceiling. Sean came and laid beside me

Sean:" whatcha doin?"

Kasey:" staring at the ceiling.."

Sean:" why?"

Kasey:" cause this is the only thing I can do without wanting to throw up!"

Sean:" awe, poor baby... Can you tell me why your so sick now?"

Kasey:" nope!"

Sean:" then I'm going up stairs"

Kasey:" see ya!" He squinted his eyes at me. He shook his head and got up.

I know he's mad I won't tell him, but I'm just not ready to. I decided to go and take my shower. I slowly walked up the stairs to my room. I stripped off all my clothes and went to the bathroom.

I got in the shower and let the hot water run down my body. Suddenly, I started to feel dizzy and my vision was getting blurry. I called for Sean but he didn't answer. I Stepped out the shower and that's when everything went black. I woke up to Sean leaning over me and shaking my me.

Sean:" oh my god,are you okay!"

Kasey:" yea.. What happened.." We were on the bathroom floor and the only thing covering me was a towel

Sean:" I heard you call me so I came upstairs. When I went in the bathroom, you were knocked out on the floor!!"

Kasey:" I was in the shower and everything just started going blury..."

Sean:" seriously Kasey. I'm gonna ask you one more time!" He picked me up and sat me on his lap. " what's going on with you! I've never seen you this sick

Kasey:" ... Promise you won't get mad?"

Sean:" I promise! Please, just tell me!"

I looked him dead in his eyes. They were full of concern and worry. I took a deep breathe and just got out with it "....... I'm pregnant."



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