think about it

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ive never realized how big this house was till this week. All the rooms, my backyard, huge living room,  big kitchen, arcade, twinning staircases. as much as i loved my house, it really was alot for just me at the time and it still is for the three of us. Maybe Sean refusing to talk to me unless its about kailyn or business is making me think about un-important stuff, i mean not talking for two weeks? its driving me crazy. More and  more each day i feel depressed. just when i thought things were going good i messed it up, as usual. 

i wish i could go back and time and tell him as soon as i did it, cause hes really pissed. last friday i tried to seduce him and it didnt woek.. at all! he litterslly looked ant me up and down, bit his lip, and walked out of the room. i was completely shocked. now here i am eating ice cream till my brain freezes in the kitchen. about ten minutes later i saw sean walk past and slam the front door. i followed him and watched as he put kailyn in the car 

kasey:" where are you guys going?"

Sean:" it doesnt matter.." he said as he closed her door 

kasey:' it kinda does, im her mom?"

sean:" and im her dad, so what? he glared at me as he got in the car and drove off 

i closed the door and slide down it. i held my knees t my chest and cried my eyes out. i dont know what to do..


i made my way to my friend Ben's house with my baby girl, i really really needed someone to talk to. last week wehen kasey pulled that little stnt i almost lost it.  Her smooth caremel skin in that white corset. her tiny waist in big hips filling it in perfectly, her bangs falling perfectly over her eyebrowbs, and those legs! so smooth and shiny- stop it sean, focus. as much as it broke my heart to walk away from all that, i had to. i cant let that heavinly body destract me. finally i pulled up to Bens house and got kaiyln out the car. after the third knock, he opened the door 

sean:" bennay!!"

ben:" seannay!" i closed the door and took off my shoes, going into the living room to sit " come on, lemme see her"

sean:" hold on!" i took er out and handed her carefully to him. a big smile appreard on both their faces.

ben:' she looks just like you and kasey"

sean:" i know.."

ben:" how old is she?"

sean:" about a month and a half"

ben:" wow, she's adorable. i can already tell sh's gonna be a maneater" he laughed 

sean" just like her mom.." i whispered 

ben:' oh yea, you said you wanted to talk?"

sean:" right, its kinda a long story though"

ben:" go ahead" 

i explained everything that happened. from kasey's crazy ass ex, to when he showed up at the bbq and all the way to now. Believe it or not, but i was talking for at least an hour and a half. i wanted to tell him everything honestly so his jugdement wouldnt be in favor of anyone based on how i explained it. once i fianllly finished, he just stared at me as he held kailyn

Ben:" ...... your offically asshole of the month."

sean:" what?

ben:" your an ass! you gout mad at your wife-"

sean:" girlfriend"

ben:" whatever, because she tired... to protect her family? 

sean:" but she hid it from me!"

ben:" okay yes she should have told you sooner, but your still wrong"

sean:" how!?"

ben:" okay... if you woke up one night, and heard people down stairs, what would you do?"

sean:" protect mygirls!"

ben:" EXACTLY!!!!  the way you explained i, it looks like she felt like something was gonna happen so she found a way to protect he family!"

sean:" well when you put it that way your right BUT, she's still wrong.."

ben:' wow, your a real.. bitch!"

sean:" how the fuck am i a bitch now?"

ben:" ya your a bitch, your a girl!"

sean:" your so dumb!"

ben:" says the bitch! your wrong and refuse to admit it! your a bitch, and thats a bitch move sean!"

sean:' im not a bitch!"

ben:" then get your ass home, and go apologize!!"

sean:" .. i cant.."

ben:" pussies never prosper you know!" he smirked 

sean:" not the time.."

ben:" why cant you apologize, its not that hard"

sean:" cause, ive been ignorring her the past two weeks. shes not gonna let me up that easy"

ben:" ..... you probaly have the sexiest girl alive, and you refuse to talk to her?"

sean:" yupe.."

ben:" damn, you really are asshole of the month!"

sean:" really!?"

ben:" alright alright look, if you truely love her, and understood everything i told you, then youll go home and at least TRY to apologize and beg for forgiveness you honestly dont deserve.."

He was right. what he said really put me in kasey's shoes. she was scrared, and just trying to do what she thought was right. and here i am being a jerk when she needs me the most. i really am asshole of the month..

sean:" your right, im going right now" i said taking kailyn 

ben:" good. at least try, dont force it"

sean:' alright, thanks man" i put kailyn in her seat and put my shoes on 

ben:' no problem, good luck"

sean:" ppfft, i need it!" i buckled me and kailyn in and drove off. i just hope she forgives me so i can be there for her..


i dont know bout yall but i like ben! he speaks the truth with is amazing. tell me what yall think and vote up. oh and sorry if there was any mistakes, i was kinda rushing. bye my loves,


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